
[VIDEOS] Cat Unlocks the iPhone 5S and a Man Used His Nipples to do the Same

And here we were thinking the "Fingerprint Sensor" works only on human "fingers".

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WATCH: A cat unlocks the iPhone 5S using Touch ID and the Fingerprint Sensor

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However, no other paw pads would unlock the device

The cat’s paw worked, and while it encountered more frequent failures than did a fingerprint, it was able to unlock the phone again repeatedly when positioned correctly on the sensor.

Note that no other paw pads would unlock the device, and that cats essentially have unique “fingerprints” just like people, so this doesn’t make the Touch ID sensor any less secure.

Heel of palm and wrist were also able to unlock the phone's content

The user was also able to use the heel of his palm and his wrist in the experiment which is described as 'a broadening of the definition of what counts as a “fingerprint”'.

It was trickier to get the unlock to work consistently, and trying to fool the sensor by using the same part of the body on the opposing limb never worked.

ALSO WATCH: iPhone 5S can also recognise your nipples

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What more, a technology site found that Touch ID is not just a fingerprint sensor, but a toe and fingerprint sensor

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Here's how to set up and use the Touch ID on your iPhone 5S

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Getting Touch ID up and running is pretty straightforward. First, go to Settings > Passcode & Fingerprint > Fingerprint and then choose “Add a Fingerprint.”

Then just follow the onscreen prompts to get every angle and intricacy of your fingerprint documented by the scanner.

If more than one person will be sharing the device, or you want to be able to use different fingers with Touch ID, you can set up and name multiple fingerprint accounts.

Touch ID can only be used to unlock your iPhone 5s and make App Store or iTunes purchases — at least for now. Just place your finger on the home button for a second or two and you’ve been verified.

Touch ID has 360-degree fingerprint readability. Theoretically, that means no matter how you place your finger on the home button’s sensor, it should be able to read your print.

ALSO READ: Our Fact or Fake finding about whether or not iPhone 5S Fingerprint Scanner is the best security feature for a phone

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