
[UPDATED] Record-Breaking Asteroid Passes The Earth

Menurut NASA, sebutir asteroid akan melintas bumi pada 15 Febuari. Asteroid ini merupakan asteroid yang terdekat kepada bumi. Tiada impak diramalkan.

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Asteroid 2012 DA14 in record-breaking Earth pass

Nasa menganggarkan, meteor yang terhempas di Russia kelmarin jauh lebih kecil - kira-kira 15 meter lebar dan seberat 7,000 tan sebelum memasuki atmosfera.

Dengan cahaya yang menyilaukan dan gelombang kejut yang luar biasa, sebuah meteor jatuh di Chelyabinks, Siberia, Rusia, Jumat (15/2/2013)...

HELYABINSK, RUSSIA: A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, raining fireballs over a wide area and causing a shock wave ...

Moscow: Sekurang-kurangnya 1,000 orang cedera selepas tahi bintang seberat 11 tan melalui kawasan pergunungan Ural, Russia, awal semalam.

Approach: The trajectory of the asteroid as seen from horizontally from the Earth's equatorial plane. It will come within 17,000 miles of earth

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Disturbance: This graphic depicts the trajectory of asteroid 2012 DA14 as it flies past Earth tonight. This view looks down from above the North Pole and shows how it will pass inside the ring of geo-stationary satellites

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A few hundred satellites orbit at 22,300 miles, higher than the asteroid's path, but scientists say the chance of it hitting one is extremely remote. Nevertheless, satellite operators have been warned.

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Dave Herald, an amateur astronomer in Murrumbateman, Australia, captured the asteroid - seen here as the black line as it moves across the sky/ The three minute exposure shows the fast movement of Asteroid 2012 DA14 seven hours before closest approach. At its closest approach, the object will be moving so fast as to cover this distance in approximately 15 seconds.

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This computer-generated image - which is updated daily at the website of Armagh Observatory - gives you an idea of the enormous population of asteroids present in the inner solar system.

A space rock the size of an Olympic swimming pool passes harmlessly within 28,000km of Earth - just a tenth the distance to the Moon.

Later today, a large asteroid known as 2012 DA14 will pass within about 17,200 miles of the Earth, marking the closest pass ever observed for an object its size.

Lebih dekat daripada satelit

Lakaran asteroid yang bakal merentasi bumi.

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia merupakan tempat terbaik untuk melihat asteroid 2012 DA14 yang sebentar lagi akan melintas di dekat bumi.

Sebuah asteroid akan melintas dekat Bumi minggu depan dan menurut NASA ini merupakan lintasan terbang paling dekat bagi obyek seukuran itu.

Sebuah asteroid raksasa dipastikan oleh lembaga antariksa Amerika Serikat (AS), NASA, akan melewati bumi dalam jarak cukup dekat pada 15 Februari 2012 mendatang.

Dengan jarak itu, beber NASA posisi asteroid jauh lebih dekat dibandingkan satelit-satelit yang mengorbit di bumi.

Asteroid 2012 DA14 mendekat pada jarak 35,000 km dari bumi.

Indonesia tempat terbaik untuk melihat asteroid DA14

Wilayah terbaik untuk melihat asteroid tersebut memang di Indonesia karena asteroid itu melintas dari langit sebelah selatan.

Indonesia merupakan tempat terbaik untuk melihat asteroid 2012 DA14 yang sebentar lagi akan melintas di dekat bumi.

Asteroid akan melintas bumi pada 15 Feb

Diagram of 2012 DA14 passing Earth on 15 February 2013

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Asteroid berukuran 45 meter yang dinamai 2012 DA14 akan melintas 27.700 kilo meter dari Bumi pada 15 Februari.

This month's visit will be by a fast-moving space rock called 2012 DA14, which will pass about 17,200 miles from Earth's surface on Feb. 15.

Sebutir asteroid sebesar kolam renang renang bersaiz Olimpik dijangka melintas berhampiran bumi minggu depan, lebih dekat berbanding laluan satelit televisyen.

Asteroid yang terlanggar bumi

Measurements of a 100-mile-wide crater in the Gulf of Mexico--the researchers concluded that the answer was yes, an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.

If the blast in Siberia was caused by a comet or meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere, it poses the serious possibility that in the future a similar meteor could once again enter Earth's atmosphere.

Suatu pagi, bulan Juni 1908, sebuah meteor berukuran antara 30 - 200 kaki menghantam Tunguska, Siberia. Meteor ini berdaya ledak 12 Megaton.

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