
A Car You Can Control With Your Mind. Is This Your Chance To Be A Jedi?

Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Alejo Bernal has designed a car that is driven by thought. It’s a toy car, by the way, but still pretty freaking awesome.

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Alejo Bernal has developed a project by designing a toy car that can be driven forward with thought, as long as users wear a NeuroSky EEG headset

We're not quite at the level of complex navigation using only neuronal activity, but electroencephalography (EEG) headsets have enabled people to do some pretty cool things, including piloting a quadcopter, just by thinking.
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Recent graduate of Design Academy Eindhoven Alejo Bernal has brought a similar project to the ground. He has created a toy car that can be piloted forwards by thinking while the user wears a commercially available Neurosky EEG headset.

However, the project isn't about performing manoeuvres but improving the wearer's concentration skills. As the wearer starts to concentrate on moving the car, light levels in the toy vehicle visualise neuronal activity, seen through its semi-transparent acrylic body.

About his project, Alejo Bernal said in a statement:

“As you try to focus, the increased light intensity of the vehicle indicates the level of attention you have reached,” Bernal told Dezeen.
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“Once the maximum level is achieved and retained for seven seconds, the vehicle starts moving forward. This project helps users to develop deeper, longer concentration by exercising the brain."

"It is possible for people to train or treat their minds through their own effort and not necessarily using strong medicines, such as ritalin.”

Bernal’s project currently exists only as a working prototype, so don’t expect the car to hit the market any time soon

Now, wouldn't you like to test-drive it?

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