
Find Out That Song In Your Head Just By Humming It On Google


Cover image via Tamara Jayne/SAYS & Google/PCMag

If you've had a song stuck in your head but have no idea what the title is, Google can now help you – all you need to do is hum or whistle a part of the song

It's a new feature called 'Hum to Search'.

Here's how it works:

1. Head to your Google App or Google Assistant, click on the microphone icon, and say, "Hey Google, what's this song?"

2. Start humming the tune for about 10 to 15 seconds

3. Google will then show you likely results based on your tune

A screenshot of an example.

Image via Tamara Jayne/SAYS

After testing it out yesterday, it seems to be pretty accurate as long as the song is reasonably well-known and your humming isn't too off-tune. :p

The new feature is available on both the Google app for iOS and Android.

Plus, according to Business Insider, it's available in 20 languages, with hopes of adding more in the future.

Last month, Google Maps introduced a feature which allows you to check which areas are affected with COVID-19 cases:

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