
I/O 2014: The Biggest Announcements To Know From Google's Keynote

Google had no shortage of announcements during its almost-three-hour developers conference on Wednesday. Some announcements, like Android Wear and Android L, were expected; others took us by surprise and played out differently than anticipated. We've rounded up some of the biggest highlights, below.

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Google revealed its 'L Developer Preview', an early glimpse at the next version of Android

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Android's been a bit overdue for its next major overhaul. The last time Google's mobile OS got a major face lift was in the Fall of 2011. Now, Google has taken the wraps off of the so-called L release (presumably a dessert themed name will come later), which will launch later this year.

For the first time, Google will allow developers to download a preview of the new version of Android to their Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 devices. This new OS will bring in the new Material Design UI (which we'll get to in a bit), as well as bring a bunch of new features.
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One of the more prominent changes is to the notification system. Now, you'll be able to access your collection of notifications directly from the lock screen. Just like before, you can expand the notifications and take action directly from the lock screen. You can also swipe up to unlock the phone. Google also added the new Heads-Up notifications that can appear over full-screened apps and be dismissed with a swipe without opening up the shade.
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The L release will also improve performance by making the ART engine the default, introducing a new Battery Saver mode, and providing developers with detailed statistics on what's draining your battery. The multitasking interface is also getting an overhaul with a new card-based design, as well as the ability to treat Chrome tabs the same way it treats apps, making it easier to switch between tasks.

Google's getting an impressive makeover across platforms

Google is about to give all of its products a new change of clothes, starting with the L release of Android. The design is an evolution of the flat, card-oriented interface we're used to, but adds depth and animation to every UI element. Google wants to treat each individual piece of the design like it's a virtual object that exists in 3D space.

Despite being flat and digital, they have behaviors, layers, and react when touched. It's a neat idea and looks pretty fantastic. Expect to see this design theory expand over all of Google's products on Android, Chrome OS, and the web.

With Android TV, Google takes third shot at television

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Google's latest push to dominate the living room involves a new set-top box initiative, dubbed Android TV. With Android TV, smartphones, tablets, and even smartwatches can replace the humble remote control, and the entire platform is designed to give you a fresh Android experience on the biggest screen in your house.

You can use voice queries to search for content, or ask it general questions like you would with your phone. Google demonstrates by asking "Who played Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games?" The TV responds with the same info cards you'd expect from regular Search. Android TV also comes with the some of the usual apps you'd expect from TV interfaces: Netflix, Plex, iHeartRadio. Hulu and Amazon are conspicuously absent (as they usually are when these things first come out). However, Android TV also supports Google Cast, so you can use the existing app ecosystem to stream to your TV, in the absence of native apps.

Android TV also includes support for gaming. Developers can tailor their games for the TV, and even use phones and tablets as controllers for their games. Android TV is available for manufacturers to build into their televisions, as well as standalone set-top boxes, so you don't need to buy a whole new TV to use it. Android TV will be available later this year.

Google Docs can now edit Microsoft Office files

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In what might be one of the most useful moves to the productivity-minded people, Google Docs can now edit Microsoft Office files natively. Upload your .docx files to Google Drive and you can edit them directly on the web or the Android and iOS apps. You won't have access to all of the feature (like collaborative editing), but you can do many tasks without having to convert to Google's proprietary format and back.

Chrome OS will run Android apps, integrate with your phone

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Google wants to bring native Android apps to Chrome OS. The company showed off native Android apps running inside of a Chromebook, including Evernote, Vine, and Flipboard. The ultimate goal is for Android apps to run alongside Chrome web apps on your laptops.

The integration doesn't end there. Google says that it will mirror notifications between your Android phone and Chrome OS, including phone calls and text messages. You can also unlock your Chromebook with your phone. When your phone and Chromebook are near each other, your Chromebook will automatically sign in to your account.

Google to keep track of your vitals with Google Fit

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Health and fitness is one of the biggest trends in tech and Google wants a space on the bandwagon. The new Google Fit platform will allow developers to track fitness data, sync it across devices, and store it in a central place. Nike, Adidas, Withings, RunKeeper, and Basis have all confirmed they'll begin using the service to track and analyze user data.

Android Auto controls your phone from your car's dashboard

Google has finally brought Android to the car with Android Auto, the company's connected-car platform not unlike Apple's CarPlay.

The system is completely voice-enabled and allows you to cast navigation, communication and music apps from your phone to your car's dashboard. Voice commands, enabled by Google Now, allow you to send and receive text messages, get directions and make phone calls with only voice commands.
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The company already has more than 40 partners for the system via its Open Automotive Alliance, launched earlier this year. Android Auto's launch will coincide with the rollout of Android L later this year, but developers will soon be able to start building their own apps for the car with the Android Auto SDK, which will be "published soon."

Android Wear, the LG G watch and Samsung Gear Live

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Today Google gave its first deep look at how Android Wear devices will actually work. In short, Android Wear is all about glanceable information, and about what Google Now can help you with at any given moment.

For example, swiping up and down lets you navigate through Google Now cards like recent messages, reminders, notes, music controls, alarms, your heart rate, and a step counter. By tapping once on a sleeping Android Wear device, you can turn on voice controls to say something like "Okay Google, call me a car" (with the Lyft app).

You can swipe horizontally to see more about any card, or swipe downward to turn on "do not disturb" mode so your phone and watch won’t ring while you’re at dinner or in a movie. Google and its partners have spent the past months showing off the smartwatch models that could run Android wear. Today, you can actually order two of them.
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The LG G is a large but modest-looking black square, a style we’ve already seen variations of from Samsung, Pebble, and others. But most of the buzz so far has been around the Moto 360, a large, round piece of glass and stainless steel that actually sort of looks like a traditional watch.

You’ll have to wait until summer to order the Moto 360, but LG’s model will be available for order this afternoon. You can also order the Samsung Gear Live, which looks like an Android Wear version of the existing Tizen-based Galaxy Gear line.

Finally, Google also gave all of the developers in the audience a gift. It was a piece of cardboard.

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