
[FACT OR FAKE #37] Malaysia Has One Of The Slowest Internet Speeds In The World? How Can?

The millions wandering in and around World Wide Web crave for only one thing-speed. For such people, nothing is more irritating than a sluggish or unresponsive connection. While accessing the Internet in this day and age is very easy, it's the speed that matters the most.

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Before we get to the actual fact or fake analysis, here's some background about Internet in Malaysia and a few things worth noting:

1) The year 1995 was considered the beginning of the Internet age in Malaysia and the growth in the number of Internet hosts in Malaysia began around 1996.
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2) The country's first search engine and web portal company, Cari Internet, was also founded in 1996.

3) According to the first Malaysian Internet survey conducted from October to November 1995 by MIMOS and Beta Interactive Services, 1 out of every 1,000 Malaysians had access to the Internet (20,000 Internet users out of a population of 20 million) (Beta Interactive Services, 1996). In 1998, this number grew to 2.6% of the population.

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission sets a low threshold for broadband. It defines broadband as:

A) Any service beyond the scope of existing PSTN/ISDN and 2G cellular networks. B) With data rates that exceed the normal voice-related speed (56 kbit/s for PSTN and 64 kbit/s for ISDN).
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This definition is far below the primary rate interface lower limit defined by the International Telecommunications Union in ITU-R F.1399.

INFOGRAPHIC: Internet User Profile of Malaysia

The internet was made available to the world in the late 80s through dial up connections which was able to reach maximum speed of 56Kbps

Accessing the internet in this day and age is very easy; also the internet is accessible through different platforms like the mobile television and tablet. A broadband connection now is easily able to reach a minimum speed of about 700 kilobits per second quite easily.

There are different ways to connect to the internet, fiber optic cables are a popular choice and are now the fastest way access the internet. The electrical signals are converted to light and are transported through optical cables.

Ordinary cables are still used in the back of the modern day modems; these use coaxial lines to connect to the internet. Wireless connections are used in short distances, typically a router helps send wireless signals that are caught and made use of by those nearby. And in remote areas, satellites are made use of to access the internet.

While globalised technical sectors have made quick and effective advancements in improving slow internet at the fastest rate in the 21st century after its invention, there are countries where Internet speed still equals to that of snail's

Regarded as one of the most basic need today, millions of people wander over the World Wide Web to find information regarding several areas of general interest, work and business, live-stream for cricket, football and different other sports.

We as internet users have always craved for the speed while browsing through several pages in different websites.
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With some hyper advanced countries like South Korea, Japan, America, who enjoy internet speeds more than 10 Mbps, most of the slow internet using countries have reported to serve connection speeds that are below 256 kbps.

It should come as no surprise that the world’s fastest Internet connection speeds can be found in Asia, with Hong Kong offering an impressive 54.1 Mbps, the fastest in the world

At that speed, you could download the HD movie "Battleship," which is set in Hong Kong, in about four minutes.

While Asia is home to some of the most technologically advanced countries and some of the fastest average broadband speed tests, Malaysia, however, lags behind a bit and ranks 112 in the world for fastest average broadband tests with an average broadband speed test of 4.56 Mbps.
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Even though Malaysia ranks around 112 with a speed of 4.56 Mbps, it has improved since 2012. Also, Malaysia does rank higher than several other Asian countries like India, Indonesia, and Cambodia.

FACT: Malaysia has been listed among the slowest countries in the world for loading Web pages on desktop computers as well as mobile computers, according to a 2012 report by Google

Malaysia, with an average Web page loading speed on desktops of 14.3 seconds, was named the world’s fifth slowest, even more plodding than the connection speeds of nations like Colombia, Argentina and Peru.
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But it is Indonesia who has the slowest average loading speed on desktop computers, clocking in at 20.3 seconds

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According to the report, the slowest was Indonesia, which had an average Web page loading speed on desktops of 20.3 seconds. In mobile, the United Arab Emirates had an average Web page loading speed of 26.7 seconds, putting it in last place.

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