
Samsung Is Sending This Fireproof Box To People Who Want To Return Their Galaxy Note 7s

The Korean tech giant is playing it really, REALLY safe now.

Cover image via XDA Developers

It's official, everyone. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is dead.

Samsung has been forced to cease production of its disastrous Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because they keep catching fire.

Samsung has since begun its global recall of the troubled smartphone. But since the device is only known for bursting into a pile of hot mess, recovering them can be tricky.

So Samsung came up with a safe solution - a fireproof box.

Image via BGR

A video of the unique packaging was shared on YouTube by XDA Developers, a US-based mobile software development community

Image via XDA Developers

The return kit includes three boxes and a static shielding bag. The Note 7 is supposed to be slipped into the bag and then enclosed in box after box.

The company also includes a pair of rubber gloves, presumably to help users safely handle the defective device

Image via XDA Developers
Image via XDA Developers

The package comes with an instruction sheet that provides a step-by-step process on how to package the Note 7 safely.

To top it all off, the outermost box is lined with ceramic fiber paper, which is capable of handling extreme heat

Image via XDA Developers

Samsung hasn't precisely detailed what the box is capable of withstanding, but presumably the box is meant to contain a Note 7 that catches fire in transit. Ceramic fiber is often used for insulating furnaces, so withholding a small fire doesn't seem out of the question.

Watch the full unboxing of the return kit below:

This insane return kit is only available for US customers. We're not sure if Samsung Malaysia will be utilising the same kit.

The Note 7 disaster has left Samsung bruised and battered. Losses are estimated to be around USD17 billion:

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