Six Knowledge-Based Apps To Help You Spend Your Time In A Smarter Way
What if you could kill time and get smarter at the same time? In the 14th instalment of our weekly TECH TUESDAY column, we curate a list of apps that could help improve your memory power among other things.
1. Quora: A really simple questions-and-answers social platform, Quora provides accurate answers for many topics. It delivers to both casual and actively engaged users. Over the period of time, it has matured into the authoritative tome of knowledge.
Quora is arguably the most fantastic source to spend time and acquire knowledge.
Image via appadvice.com2. HowStuffWorks: With over 30,000 educational videos and articles in categories ranging from history and technology to 'Stuff Your Mom Never Told You', HowStuffWorks also allows you to test your knowledge through quizzes, questionnaires, facts, etc.
HowStuffWorks partners with Discovery Channel to deliver some of the most interesting fact-based articles.
Image via ucsb.edu3. Duolingo: Possibly one of the most fabulous way to learn a foreign language, it allows users to translate a phrase into the language they are trying to learn. To add more fun, users can also invite their friends to interesting language challenges with it.
A study funded by the makers of the app revealed that just 34 hours spent on Duolingo was equivalent to around 11 weeks or one semester of a college language course.
Image via blogspot.com4. Umano: Stuck in traffic? Don't have enough time to allot to reading news on the go? Let Umano read (yes, read) your favourite articles to you with professional human narrators and custom playlists. Mei Mei Chu, a resident curator at SAYS, uses it daily.
The app will even download the audio to your device so you can listen on areas where there's no connectivity.
Image via kinja-img.com5. Lumosity: If you're looking to hone your memory and train your attention span, then Lumosity can be your ultimate guide. Created by neuroscientists, the app tracks alterations in users' memory, attention, speed, flexibility, and problem-solving scores.
6. Thomas Was Alone: It's a game that invites you to control a red rectangle, Thomas, as he becomes a self-aware artificial intelligence in a grey digital landscape. It humanises nondescript squares, creating an affecting and satisfying adventure.