
Not Sure About Getting A Tablet? Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Totally Should

Tablets are filling the gaps laptops can't.

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1. Tablets are realistically more portable than laptops. You can't lug around a laptop for long.

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One of the best things about a tablet is that it's thin and light. Of course, there may be ultra light laptops out there but when it comes to most laptops, tablets outperform them easily by being more portable. This is especially useful when you're carrying a bag all day. There's a huge difference between a few kilograms. Most laptops require their own laptop bag to transport from Point A to Point B, but with a tablet, all you need is to just grab it and go.

2. Tablets are more versatile. It fills a need both smartphones and laptops can't fully execute.

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When the tablet first came out, people were criticising it for being an oversized smartphone or an underpowered laptop. But today, tablets are seen as an essential in-between device that helps fills the role of a laptop with the portability of a smartphone. Tablets nowadays are able to take photos, shoot videos, and work nicely as e-readers.

A tablet is ideal for lots of tasks but of course, there is a time and place where smartphones or laptops might be a better choice. All in all, consider the pros and cons of each device and choose the best tool for your task at hand.

3. You don't have to wait to be in a comfortable environment to work on your tablet. It's less mah fan than a laptop.

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Picture this situation: You're in a taxi or a plane and you have to quickly edit a powerpoint slide and email it over quickly. You lug out your heavy laptop, setting it on your lap or a stable surface to set it on. It has to be flipped open to view the display and type on the keyboard. On a plane, it's quite hard to do that when people recline their seats. Forget about using it while you're walking around on to go. Compare that to a tablet. It's easy to just turn on and use it in any environment.

4. Tablets have a longer battery life compared to laptops

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Comparing battery life between two different gadgets is harder to assess. For two phones, using battery capacity (mAh) is a good indicator as both are roughly the same size and shape. But when you compare laptops to tablets, there are many different factors to consider given the many different shapes and sizes tablets and laptops come in. A 15-inch laptop needs more battery capacity than a 9-inch tablet while the 9-inch tablet needs more capacity than a 7-inch tablet.

So the best comparison point to refer to is the vendor-reported battery life. It may not be entirely accurate as different manufacturers use different methods to measure battery life.

According to manufacturers, the average laptop lasts about 6 hours. Meanwhile, tablets have an average battery life of just under 10 hours.

5. Tablets have BETTER displays

Here’s a look at the pixel density on some of today’s most popular tablets. Since 2013, the average tablet’s display has boasted 218 pixels per inch—pretty crisp for devices that tend to measure from 7 to 11 inches, diagonally. Among popular laptops, the average pixel density sits at a measly 116 pixels per inch, which is nothing special in 2014.

Comparing that 218 pixels per inch on a tablet to 116 pixels per inch on a laptop isn’t completely fair: Laptops have larger screens on average, and thus need less density to achieve a sharp display. But even after factoring in typical screen sizes (about nine inches for a tablet, 13 for a laptop), the tablet still wins handily, [unless you're willing to buy a pricey laptop].

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal usage. Find out what works best for you and your lifestyle.

But if you're looking for a starting tablet, consider the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. It's incredibly lightweight, perfect for those on the move. Learn more what the Tab S2 brings to the table here.