
This Computer Science Student Built An App That Can Detect Whether An Essay Was AI-Written

Your move, AI.

Cover image via @edward_the6 (Twitter) & GPTZero (Edited by SAYS)

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In this era where AI (artificial intelligence) is so widespread, people are even starting to use it to write their essays for them

Previously, a student claimed he managed to get straight A's from using AI to write his essays, and we even tried it out ourselves and the results were pretty decent. 

It's safe to say that even teachers are growing increasingly concerned over their students using ChatGPT software to write their essays. ChatGPT is an AI writing tool that uses Reinforced Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) to produce text as closely-related with humans as possible. 

However, one computer-science student, Edward Tian, recently built an app called GPTZero to counter the effects of AI-writing tools

The app is able to "quickly and efficiently detect whether an essay is ChatGPT or written by a human" by analysing perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity detects the randomness of a word in a sentence, while burstiness compares how relevant sentences within a paragraph are. According to Tian, AI Chatbots often appear more uniform and constant, while human text varies.

Tian also expressed that he started this project as an attempt to combat AI plagiarism.

Additionally, Tian said the app is still "barebones" at the moment, but he'll continue to work on improving output results

Sorry, future robot overlords — we think you lost this round. :P

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