
10 Totally Down-To-Earth Things You Didn't Know About Lizzie Velásquez

She may be a famous name and an inspirational icon for many all over the world, but Lizzie Velásquez is just like any other person you would meet in your daily life. ;)

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On 11 July, SAYS writers Samantha Khor and Farouq Johari had the opportunity to get up close and personal with anti-bullying advocate Lizzie Velásquez at the National Achievers Congress

Spot my pretty pink pants, you guys.

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... And we learnt quite a bit about what makes Lizzie, Lizzie!

1. Along with her younger siblings, Lizzie's childhood was just like any ordinary child's. She has a very close relationship with her parents Lupe ("he's super funny and always making jokes") and Rita ("she's always making sure everything is taken care of and we have everything we need").

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"My childhood was incredible, it was amazing. I have a younger brother and a younger sister, and we just had the best childhood growing up," she said.

"I'm very close with my parents. My dad is super funny and always making jokes, and my mom is always making sure everything is taken care of and everyone's feeling good and we have everything we need. But I have a really, really good relationship with them."

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Lizzie's mother Rita then chimed in, "Well, she's our firstborn, so we spoiled her when she was first with us, and I think just because of the difference that she's been making with everyone that she's been meeting, I'm a little bit more protective still even though she's 26 years old. I'm still checking on her by making sure she's okay."

"I would just say we raised her just like any other ordinary child regardless of challenges, because a lot of families have the same challenges. We do have a great sense of humour in our family and we do have a great balance between Lizzie and our other two children, we raised them all just as equal," Lizzie's father Lupe added.

2. For Lizzie, the hardest part about being a motivational speaker is to overcome being nervous and shy as well as being afraid that she would say something wrong. But now, she no longer feels nervous when she's onstage!

"The hardest part about [being a motivational speaker, I think - at first - is just overcoming being nervous, and being shy or afraid I would say something wrong. I think that was the biggest thing I had to overcome. Other than that, it was just a lot of trial and error and figuring out what works best for my style of speaking," she said.

When asked is she still feels nervous when she stands on the stage, Lizzie exclaimed, "I'm definitely not, I don't know what it is! I get really excited before I go up onstage!"

3. In her travels, Lizzie discovered that no matter where she goes and regardless of the language they speak, everyone connects with each other in one way or another through the things they have gone through... whether it's good or bad

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"One of the biggest things that have stood out to me, from all of the places that I've been to, is that in every place, the people have one thing in common.

We've all gone through some hardships at some point in our lives, and through meeting so many different people and so many different cultures and different ages, all of us connect in one way or another through the things we have gone through, be it something really good, or something really bad.

It's always surprising to me, because no matter what language you speak, everyone can relate through having some issues or challenges," she explained.

4. Trying new food is "always a little hard!", but the cheerful and outgoing Lizzie loves meeting new people and going to new places

"I definitely think I'm an outgoing person, I always was very cheerful and always enjoyed meeting people," she said.

"I love meeting new people and trying new things and, maybe not trying new food - it's always a little hard! - but going to new places is always really fun for me."

5. You'd think that Lizzie would've gotten used to meeting famous people by now. In truth, she still gets pretty starstruck but she tries to play it cool... until she gets into her car. :)

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"I always try to play it cool and just go like 'Nice to meet you!' when inside I'm really excited! Once I get in the car then I'll really geek out and get really excited," she said.

6. The one person Lizzie would really love to meet is Julia Roberts. "I call her Jules. In my mind, we're best friends," she joked.

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7. Lizzie's first-choice celebrity crush is Channing Tatum, but because she feels like "every girl says that", she will be sharing Chris Evans with yours truly

Image via Movie Pilot

"I do [have a celebrity crush]! I feel like the original answer would be Channing Tatum, but I feel like very girl says that," Lizzie said.

SAYS writer Samantha Khor shakes her head.

"No? Who's yours?"

"Chris Evans."

"Oh, that's a good one! Okay, I like yours. That's what I'm going to say then."

8. When she has time off, one of Lizzie's favourite things to do is to put on her pyjamas and binge-watch her favourite shows on Netflix while eating loads of junk food and being lazy ALL DAY LONG

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"Netflix, and just putting my pyjamas on and just eating junk food and watching my favourite shows or movies all day long, and being lazy... it's one of my favourite things to do," she said.

"I really like to just hang out with my friends and just watch movies, and I just got a new puppy so playing with him while I'm home. Just relaxing and enjoying myself and my friends and family - it's what I usually do on my time off."

9. Lizzie has this thing about her favourite TV shows; she won't watch the final episode because she does not want to "admit that it's ending". I think we can all relate to that. ;)

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"I really like Scandal and Breaking Bad!" she exclaimed.

"There are some shows that I won't watch the final episode because I don't want it to end. So there are some shows that I love but I haven't seen the final episode yet, coz I don't wanna admit that it's ending."

10. On 14 March, Lizzie's documentary film 'A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velásquez Story' premiered in SXSW. She hopes that people who have seen or will be seeing the film leave be inspired and know that "there is light at the end of the tunnel".

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"When I was younger, I didn't see that light. Through time, through hard work, and through the incredible support system that I've been so blessed with, I know that there is light on the other side of being bullied, and I hope when people leave watching the movie that they feel the same way."

National Achievers Congress (NAC) is an annual success seminar featuring key speakers from business moguls to inspirational icons organised by Success Resources. The NAC, attended by thousands of people each year, is conducted in 10 countries including the UK, Singapore, and Malaysia.

More info on the NAC is available from the official website. Also, keep a look out for their upcoming event this November as well as future seminars on the Facebook page.

Our other writer Farouq Johari details what it felt like to meet Lizzie and the lessons he learnt from our sit-down:

We sure hope that Lizzie's story of overcoming her struggles and her bullies serves as an inspiration for 18-year-old Zati Salam:

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