These 20 Things Will Happen At Every Chinese Wedding Dinner
A lot of shenanigans can happen in just three hours!
1. The invite says "7pm sharp"... but dinner is only served at 8pm (or later). #hangryliao
2. Watching the person at the reception table write your name on your angpow, wondering if they will judge you for only giving RM100
3. There's always that one uncle who shows up in a polo tee, chino shorts, and sandals like he's not attending a formal event
4. All your rarely-seen relatives exclaiming, "Wah, so grown up already!"
Which then leads to questions about your job, how much money you're making, if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, when it's your turn to get married etc.
5. Kids running everywhere. Kids popping out from nowhere. SO. MANY. KIDS.
This is where you realise how, er, busy your cousins have been since you last saw them.
6. The fancy-looking menu with some of the most poetically named dishes you'll never see elsewhere
There's a "hidden meaning" in every dish one, ok.
7. Having to stand up and clap when the newlyweds enter the room...
... Then immediately sitting down the moment they pass your table.
8. YES THE FOOD IS HERE... no wait, you have to watch the food presentation with the epic music first
Sometimes there's fire and an orchestra. Yeah, Chinese people can be quite extra.
9. When the roasted suckling pig makes an appearance and you know your angpow confirm cannot cover
10. Nobody wants to take the last piece of food on the plate because pai seh (shy)
11. The sad plate of rice that almost nobody touches because you're all too full already
Ha, NOW we pay attention to the emcee! :D
15. The very loud table at the back having their own party and yum seng-ing even without the bride and groom
16. Drunken karaoke. Enough said.
And the music is so loud you have to yell into each others' ears to communicate.
17. Aunties and/or family members disappearing halfway through the dinner to count angpow money
18. The bride and groom disappearing halfway through the dinner to change into another set of outfits
Most of time, you'll only notice that they've changed into different outfits when they stop by your table for a toast.
19. The bride and groom disappearing again near the end of the dinner because they have to say goodbye to the guests
Did they even get to eat? :/
20. Aunties staying behind after the reception and asking caterers for leftovers. #TrueStory
That's all their kids are eating for the rest of the week - leftovers from a wedding dinner.
What other things do you typically see happen at a Chinese wedding dinner? Share them with us in the comments section below!