[PHOTOS] These 11 Polar Vortex Problems Will Make You Love Malaysia More
So, you think the Malaysian heat is anything but cool? Let's warm up to what the US is facing lately with their extremely cold Polar Vortex. Warning: get ready for a culture shock.
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Problem #1: It's so cold that Lake Michigan is full of gigantic, spherical ice balls
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A YouTube user uploaded video of the phenomenon in Glen Arbor, Mich., yesterday. The clip shows thousands of rounded, boulder-sized ice balls bobbing up and down in the water.
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Problem #5: It's so cold that Lake Superior looks likes the Fortress of Solitude right now
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Problem #6: It's so cold that there are icicles forming in New York City subway stations
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Problem #8: It's so cold that the Chicago skyline is framed by icicles in Illinois
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