
M'sian Mums Share Their Fave Newborn Gifts So You'll Know What To Get Your Pregnant Bestie

No bunnies and blankets, please. :)

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1. "Stretch mark cream or lotion"

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"I don't have specific brands but that's what I would have appreciated when I gave birth. There's so much focus on the new baby, of course. I would like something practical that I needed for myself."

- Sab, 30

2. "Aromatherapy oils for massages or a foot spa"

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"That newborn phase is so exhausting. Even once the baby is down for the night, and you want to sleep, you feel to tired and wired to sleep. Do you know what I mean?

"Having something to help relax my body and mind would have been amazing."

- Rina, 28

3. "Diapers and money"

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"Money is always good! There are so many things that new mums and newborns need that often get overlooked. Even a small ang pow of RM20 is wonderful to receive!

"And diapers! Gosh, tiny ones go through so many in a day. Just send over a big box full of size S or size M diapers. That's every parent's dream come true tbh, hehe."

- Luna, 35

4. "Hire spa people to come to my house for a massage"

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"You know those mobile spa packages? Where they come to your house and massage you? I would have wanted that. I'll get that for any future new mummy."

- Nana, 31

5. "Just someone to take care of my baby so I can go nap or watch Netflix or makan without a care in the world"

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"... Or diapers, baby wipes, formula, spa massage package. If they prefer to spend money over time.


- Bee, 33.

6. "Anything but a personalised plushie"

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"They are cute and I appreciate the love. But I have five rabbit plushies that are personalised with my daughter's name plus a dragon. Different sizes and colours. And they are not cheap!

"I love practical gifts. Get me a baby nail cutter or nasal suction for stuffy noses. Send a pack of wet wipes or baby laundry detergent or baby soap."

- Mikayla, 36

7. "I have three things..."

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"1. Diapers
2. Beauty session or spa session after the pantang period. Make us mamas feel like a queen and not a cow.
3. Shopping vouchers for mama's new wardrobe"

- JJ, 40

8. "Nipple cream"

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"I never knew how difficult and painful breastfeeding isssssss... I feel like nobody really talks about it. Or they don't talk about it enough. Chapped, bleeding nipples from unsuccessful latches. I would just cry by myself in pain and frustration.

"OMG I'm totally going off topic. My office bestie who's a mother of three sent me Medela Purelan cream and that stuff really saved my sanity. Gift new mothers nipple cream, friends!"

 - Mimi, 26

9. "Newborn photo shoot!"

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"They are quite expensive, depending on the studio or photographer. I definitely consider it a luxury item. It's just such a lovely and thoughtful gift for parents of a newborn.

"Sometimes we don't even remember to shower all day, so taking nice photos for memories is like the furthest thing from our minds. Then suddenly the baby is all grown up and that tiny newborn phase is over forever.

"I would recommend getting your friend group to chip in for a newborn photography session. They usually come to the house and set up there. And it has to be done within the first 30 days or something. Your new mama friend will cherish this gift for the rest of her life!"

- Siau, 39.

10. "Bottle steriliser, sabun and berus bottle, and even just... bottle"

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"Honestly, even though my wife breastfed, having items for bottle-feeding ready just in case would have been great. Those items all add up to be quite costly. Just receiving the special baby-safe dish soap for bottles would be nice.

"Later when my wife went back to work, we had to use bottles anyway."

- Mal, 31

11. "Something nice just for me"

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"Does that sound selfish? I bet all the other mums asked for things for their baby. I bought lots of things for my baby, and also received gifts for baby. But I didn't get anything for me. I think it would be nice to get something just for the mummy.

"A Grab voucher to order food or maybe like skincare? I would have been happy with anything. After birth I kinda felt like I lost who I was? Like I just became one with the baby. I would have appreciated a little something just for me."

- Tasha, 34

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