
A Malaysian Man Has Been Arrested In Australia For Allegedly Carrying Child Porn On Mobile

He faces 10 years in jail for the crime.

Cover image via Channel NewsAsia via Australian Border Force

A 36-year-old Malaysian man was detained in Perth International Airport on Friday, 15 March, by the Australian Border Force (ABF) following a baggage examination after he arrived from KL

"During the examination of his mobile phone, officers allegedly found abhorrent material, including a video depicting the sexual abuse of a child.

"Officers seized the phone and cancelled his visitor's visa," the ABF said in a statement.

Authorities escorting the Malaysian man.

Image via CNA via Australian Border Force

The Malaysian, who was not identified, has since been charged with importing child exploitation material into the country

He was charged under s.233BAB(5) of the Customs Act 1901, which prohibits the importation of a Prohibited Import being Tier 2 goods, according to Australian media.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years jail time and/or a fine up to AUD525,000 (approximately RM1.52 million), reported Mirage News.

Acting ABF Regional Commander for Western Australia, Emma Newman, has warned people bringing child porn into the country

"Visitors should be aware that possession of child exploitation material is viewed very seriously under Australian law," Emma was quoted in the statement.

"Tackling child exploitation is an operational priority for the ABF as part of its role protecting the border from individuals who may pose a threat to the community."

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