
[NEW UPDATE] IKEA Malaysia Meatballs Are Back On Shelf

Swedish furniture giant IKEA got themselves entangled in Europe’s widening meat scandal on Monday (25 February 2013) as they contained horsemeat. Now, sources have found that IKEA's chocolate almond cakes contained coliform bacteria. What's going on?

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IKEA Malaysia back with meatballs

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March 7: IKEA Malaysia announced today that its meatballs will be back at the IKEA Restaurant and Swedish Food Market at its store tomorrow (March 8).

"The meatballs are halal certified and produced locally in Malaysia."

To celebrate its return, IKEA Malaysia will be rolling out the meatballs for 20 sen a piece tomorrow.

IKEA's almond cakes found to contain coliform bacteria

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Not so tasty anymore, huh?

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Coliforms, which are found in faeces as well as soil and water, do not normally cause serious illness but are a sign of contamination which can cause more harmful bacteria such as E.coli.

The Shanghai quarantine bureau in China said it had destroyed 1,872 kilos of chocolate almond cake imported by Ikea that it said had excessive levels of coliform bacteria.

The Swedish furniture giant Ikea has withdrawn almond cakes from its restaurants in 23 countries after bacteria normally found in faecal matter was discovered.

IKEA Malaysia's meatball statement

Ikea's reply to a consumer's concern on 26 Feb 2013

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As a precautionary measure, we have issued a temporary sales stop of meatballs at the IKEA Swedish Food Market and IKEA Restaurant pending results from DNA testing.

Meatballs sold in IKEA Malaysia contain only beef from Australia which is halal certified and produced locally in Malaysia.
None of our ingredients are produced by the affected suppliers.

As a precautionary measure, we have issued a temporary sales stop of meatballs at the IKEA Swedish Food Market and IKEA Restaurant pending results from DNA testing.

Action taken: IKEA recalls horsemeat meatballs

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The trust of our customers is of outmost importance which is why the concerned production batch of meatballs was immediately withdrawn and we are now taking this extra precautionary measure.

We are ready to launch legal action and seek compensation not only against the companies who are responsible but also those whose duty it was to protect citizens.

The 27-nation bloc must agree on binding origin disclosures for food product ingredients, starting with a better labeling of meat products, German agriculture minister Ilse Aigner said.

The Czech authority said a total of 760 kg of the meatballs were stopped from reaching the shelves. It found horse meat in beef burgers imported from Poland too.

We do not tolerate any other ingredients than the ones stipulated in our recipes or specifications, secured through set standards, certifications and product analysis by accredited laboratories.

Are IKEA meatballs in Malaysia affected?

Jurucakap Ikea memberitahu, pihaknya sudah menjalankan ujian di semua produk makanannya dua minggu lalu, tetapi tidak menjumpai sebarang kandungan daging kuda.

We are not stopping sales of meatballs.You will still be able to go into Ikea and purchase meatballs – it’s only the one batch that is in question.

Nestle said it was taking legal action against the company, adding that the products would be replaced by ones with 100 per cent beef.

Besides the Czech Republic, the batch containing horsemeat had also been on sale in Britain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Ireland.

Sweden’s IKEA stopped nearly all sales of meatballs at its furniture store cafeterias across Europe after tests in the Czech Republic yesterday showed some contained horsemeat.

DNA Test confirmed horsemeat found in..

One of the biggest school food providers in the UK says its tests have found between 5% and 30% horse DNA in burgers it sold in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Buitoni Beef Ravioli, Beef Tortellini withdrawn and Lasagne a la bolognaise gourmandes from Nestle tested positive for horsemeat above 1%.

Food inspectors in the Czech Republic found horsemeat in meatballs made in Sweden for the furniture store. The meatballs had been labelled as beef and pork.

As products were tested multiple times, the 35 positive results relate to only 13 different products, including Findus beef lasagne, which yielded at least 15 positive results.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) says 3,634 tests have been carried out in the UK so far, with 35 tests showing the presence of horsemeat.

Swiss food giant Nestle meanwhile said it had found horse DNA in meat from the Spanish supplier, Servocar.

Famous brands & restaurants take action after test

Tens of thousands of packs of lasagna pulled from supermarket shelves because they contained horsemeat, would be to distribute them to the poor.

We would like to reassure patients that even if horsemeat is found in hospital there is nothing to suggest a safety risk to people who may have eaten the products.

Meanwhile, Tesco becomes the latest firm to drop a major supplier after discovering a range of spaghetti bolognese ready meals contained more than 60% horsemeat.

Burger King, which is supplied burgers by ABP Food Group, switches to another supplier as a precautionary measure.

A private catering businesses in Britain has withdrawn all frozen beef products across most of its business after discovering horse DNA in one of the samples it had tested.

It is unlikely the exact number of people in the UK who have unwittingly eaten horsemeat will ever be known, the chief executive of the Food Standards Agency has conceded.

With the horsemeat scandal unfolding across European industrial estates to widening disgust, a sales pitch involving bovine family trees and talk of chalk downs and peat uplands is what more.

The French industry body for horse butchers estimate there has been rise of up to 15% in horsemeat sales since the scandal broke.

GET THE FULL STORY HERE: After investigations showed traces of horse meat in tesco burger patties, it's only fitting to make a list of other weird animal meat ..

How the horse meat scandal started

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The Food Safety Authority of Ireland says beefburgers with traces of equine DNA, including one product classed as 29% horse, are being supplied to supermarkets in Ireland and Yorkshire.

The FSA reported that six products had tested positive for DNA in the second round for industry-led tests for horsemeat DNA. It said all these cases had already been reported.

Nestlé, the world's biggest food company, has removed beef pasta products from sale in Italy, Spain and France after finding traces of horse DNA.

A frozen food producer caught up in a scandal over horsemeat found in beef products said Saturday it will sue a Romanian producer it blames for the problem.

About IKEA and their famous meatballs

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Ikea is known for its assemble-it-yourself furniture but also have cafeteria-style restaurants offering Swedish dishes such as meatballs served with gravy and lingonberry jam.
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