
GoPro Goes Drone: Here's All You Need To Know As A Fan

It might be the drone of all drones.

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You read that correctly. GoPro is going into the drone game. Like finally...

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The CEO of GoPro, Nick Woodman announced at a tech conference that the company is building its own remote control quadcopter

Nick Goodman, CEO of GoPro

Image via Mashable

A quadcopter is a multirotor helicopter that is propelled by four motors

Image via gadgetsdeal

According to Woodman, the remote controlled aircraft will be the ultimate accessory for GoPro cameras

Image via GoPro

GoPro CEO Nick Woodman announced at the Code Conference that the company was going to build its very own quadcopter, with plans to launch in the first half of 2016. "The quad is in some ways the ultimate GoPro accessory," Woodman said. He then went on to note that the devices are core enough to their business for it to make sense to go out and build their own.

Aside from revealing the concept of the drone, Woodman didn't reveal pictures or price except that it will be available early next year. Looks we will have to wait a little longer...

Image via says

While we wait for official pictures of the drone to pop up, Woodman revealed another new GoPro invention, a futuristic looking camera array. It's really just a fancy way of saying 'ball-shaped mount'.

Image via GoPro

On stage with Recode's Kara Swisher, Nick introduced GoPro's first Six-Camera Spherical Array - a ball-shaped mount that holds six HERO4 cameras to capture images and video for virtual reality. The new Array, anticpiated for release later this year, will leverage video and photo stitching technology from Kolor, the virtual reality software company that GoPro acquired in April.

The odd looking GoPro camera array is capable of taking wide coverage 360-degree videos and pictures

Image via techcrunch

GoPro is building a six-camera spherical array rig that will allow you to create immersive 360-degree photos and video. Woodman actually brought along an early prototype (see above), but said the final product doesn't arrive until the second half of this year.

Available in the second half of 2015, the array is targeted at production companies and prosumers of the brand. Thus, the price will be slighter higher than normal GoPro products.

Image via CNET

The array will be available in the second half of 2015. “This is really going to be most appealing for production companies and prosumers,” said Woodman. He quoted the price of the current 6-camera unit as ‘DSLR-class’, so in the $1,500-$2,000 range perhaps.

Exciting times ahead for GoPro! If you're a GoPro fan, you should be pretty stoked to see what they have in store over the next few months.

Image via Giphy

If you've ever had the urge of getting a GoPro, watching this video will make owning one most tempting, it's ABSURD:

Awhile ago, before we knew GoPro was creating their own drone, we introduced Lily, the drone that will follow you like a pet. She's really easy to train:

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