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17 Signs You Spend Too Much Time On The Internet (And You Couldn't Care Less About It)

You should probably stop. But read this first. :P

Cover image via Giphy

While the Internet is a wonderful place filled with mischievous kittens doing hip-hop and crazy GIFs, there must come a time in your Internet-obsessed life where you would want to leave, right?

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More and more of us are spending our time communicating online. It’s quicker, more convenient and we can simply delete all those obnoxious forwards our distant relatives send us about politics, rather than get stuck in a conversation with them.

We can text our friends rather than call. We can read brief summaries of the day’s events rather than purchase a newspaper. We can order food, clothes and even pay our bills online. Life is good. Or is it?

Chances are you spend too much time staring at a computer screen and not nearly enough time with actual people. Don’t believe us? Check out all these signs that shows you are spending way too much time on the Internet.

1. You casually use hashtags in regular conversations

2. You've started "hearing" WhatsApp pings even when you're nowhere near your smartphone

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3. You actually get bored reading a book after 140 characters

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4. You've become very (very) territorial about your PC

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5. You've mastered the art of holding an entire conversation using just emojis

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6. Instead of using your face to convey an emotion, you wish aloud you could use a reaction GIF

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7. You post to people's Facebook wall who are right next to you instead of actually talking to them

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8. You've a legit panic attack when you can't connect to your WiFi network

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9. You've lost days staring at your laptop, binge-watching online runs of your favourite series

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10. The phrase "follow me" does not even remotely invoke thoughts of physical movement

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11. You have friends you've never met in real life

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12. Checking your phone for updates is so compulsively necessary, you've stopped finding it compulsive

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13. The only thing you clean is your browser history

14. You've started speaking in memes

15. Your PC keyboard is to you what a piano is to a pianist

16. You've said things online that you would never, ever say in person (aka the 'Keyboard Warrior' effect)

17. It's (rather) impossible for you to comprehend new information unless it's a list

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PS: Every Internet-addict reaches a point when the time comes to close the laptop and go outside.

PPS: Don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back.

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Meanwhile, read how a recent study proves that as a result of social media and smartphones, we humans find being alone with their thoughts to be strange

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