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Here's How To Get Financial Aid, Free Cancer Screenings And More From MAKNA

Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA) dedicates themselves to helping as many people as possible, regardless of their background, creed, colour, or race.

Cover image via MAKNA (Provided to SAYS)

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Cancer is a difficult diagnosis to face, particularly for the less fortunate and those from underserved communities, who struggle with the financial burden of treatment

Believing that everyone deserves an equal chance of overcoming cancer, Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA), dedicates their effort towards providing access to quality cancer treatment for the poor

For over 30 years, the organisation has strived towards creating a meaningful impact to society, helping the poorest of the poor and reaching the furthest of the far. They dedicate themselves to helping as many people as possible, regardless of their background, creed, colour, or race.

MAKNA offers targeted efforts and resources to reduce the burden of cancer in Malaysia, with a holisitic approach encompassing cancer care and treatment, cancer detection and awareness, emotional and psychological support, as well as cancer research and stem cell registry.

Here's a look at the key services they offer less fortunate cancer patients, particularly those from the B40 community, who need the extra aid:

1. MAKNA Bursary Programme

Image via MAKNA (Provided to SAYS)

This programme focuses on reducing the burden of less fortunate cancer patients, especially from the B40 group who are receiving treatment at government hospitals throughout Malaysia.

Assistance offered includes provision of medical equipment such as chemo ports and surgical staplers, as well as other necessities such as colostomy bags, non-formulary medications, and prostheses. In addition, the programme also covers the cost of milk supplements and transportation costs to ensure patients can access essential treatment and support services.

The MAKNA Bursary Programme continues to be a ray of hope for those affected by cancer, easing their financial burden and allowing them to focus on treatment. Every year, almost 2,000 cases are referred to MAKNA for assistance.

The programme is carried out in collaboration with the Medical Social Work (MSW) department at government hospitals.

To apply for the assistance, cancer patients must first inform their doctors, after which an application will be sent on their behalf to the respective hospital's MSW department. MSW officers will conduct an interview with the applicants to assess their social economic status before forwarding the eligible applications to MAKNA.

2. MAKNA Cancer Screening Unit

Image via MAKNA (Provided to SAYS)

MAKNA's cancer screening is a comprehensive approach that combines easily accessible screening services with education and awareness initiatives to empower individuals to take care of their health and detect cancer early.

This innovative programme brings breast cancer screening directly to communities, especially those in rural and underserved areas, using specially equipped mobile trailers. MAKNA offers mammograms, ultrasounds, and clinical breast examinations, all conducted by experienced professionals, ensuring access and convenience for women living in rural areas.

In addition, the programme also promotes colorectal cancer awareness and screening by providing Immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT) to participants.

This is an important initiative aimed at promoting early detection of cancer, which is essential for successful treatment and improving survival rates. As this programme is free for the B40 community, it ensures that the healthcare gap can be bridged.

3. MAKNA Cancer Support Group

Image via MAKNA (Provided to SAYS)

The group is a safe space for individuals facing cancer, as well as their families and caregivers. With trained staff and caring volunteers, the group provides a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and gain useful information from each other.

In addition to sharing sessions, the group also visits patients' homes and hospitals to provide support. The tour symbolises that cancer patients are not alone in their cancer journey, and that there is a caring community ready to offer support every step of the way.

Find out more about MAKNA and their various services on their website

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a healthcare professional regarding the reader's own medical care.

Visit The Pink Ribbon to learn more about breast cancer, raise awareness, and provide support to those who need it most!

Image via SAYS

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