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Malaysia Ranked 4th Best Country In Asia For Expats To Live In

Kuala Lumpur also placed eighth globally as the best city to live in.

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Malaysia has been recognised as the fourth best country in Asia for expatriates to live in

Image via Zukiman Mohamad/Pexels

Out of 49 cities, Kuala Lumpur also stood out, placing eighth globally and third in Asia for being the best city to live in, reported New Straits Times.

The rankings were established by InterNations, which surveyed over 12,000 expats globally, representing 177 nationalities across 181 countries or territories. The study considered factors like adaptability, personal finances, quality of life, and other relevant aspects.

According to the survey, these are the top 10 expat destinations this year:

1. Mexico
2. Spain
3. Panama
4. Malaysia
5. Taiwan
6. Thailand
7. Costa Rica
8. Philippines
9. Bahrain
10. Portugal

Mexico takes the lead, consistently ranking in the top five since 2014. Spain follows in second place, praised for its leisure options and culture. Panama secures third place, known for its affordable and readily available housing.

Meanwhile, the bottom 10 expat locations for 2023 are:

44. Japan
45. New Zealand
46. Malta
47. Italy
48. South Africa
49. Germany
50. South Korea
51. Türkiye
52. Norway
53. Kuwait

Expatriates were particularly dissatisfied with the quality of life and leisure options in Kuwait. Approximately half of the surveyed individuals felt constrained in expressing themselves and their opinions openly in the country.

Norway, on the other hand, was perceived as both "expensive and unfriendly". Türkiye secured the 51st place, with respondents citing "low job satisfaction".

You can check out the full survey results here.

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