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Education Minister Says Anwar's Alleged Sexist Remark On Form 6 Student Was "Misconstrued"

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek did not comment further on the issue.

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Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek has defended Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's recent remark on a female Form 6 student, which critics have described as "sexist"

According to a report by Free Malaysia Today published today, 26 June, Fadhlina said Anwar's remark on the female student during a town hall session held in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai was "misconstrued"

She refused to comment further when met by reporters in Shah Alam.

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek.

Image via Bernama via Free Malaysia Today

Anwar's questionable remark on the student was made last Saturday, 24 June

The student asked the Prime Minister several questions: How Malaysia can become a first-class nation in the future, what the government and youths can do towards realising this ideal, and what the government will do to combat the declining value of the ringgit.

Before answering her, Anwar commended the student's eloquence while delivering her questions.

He then reportedly said, "If I was young, I would have asked (for your) phone number."

A collage of Anwar (left) and the female student at the town hall held in USIM, Nilai last Saturday, 24 June.

Image via Astro Awani (YouTube) via theSundaily

Bersatu's Sasha Lyna Abdul Latiff slammed the Prime Minister for making such a remark on the female student, describing it as a "stunning display of discriminatory and sexist language"

She said Anwar has to apologise over the remark, a demand that was also echoed by MUDA deputy president Amira Aisya Abdul Aziz, reported Malaysiakini.

"Make them understand that this behaviour is not okay, especially coming from someone in a position of power," Amira said.

"If you're impressed by the girl, just compliment her without making comments that objectify her," she stressed.

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