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Environment Minister & Family Test Positive For COVID-19

His grandchild is also among the positive cases.

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Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and his family have tested positive for COVID-19

According to a Facebook post published by the PAS leader yesterday, 26 December, four of his children, his grandchild, and himself have all tested positive for the virus.

"We have been under quarantine for the last few days," Tuan Ibrahim wrote in the caption of the photo showing all of them wearing pink bracelets.

One of the family members in the photo is an infant.

Image via Dato' Sri Tuan Ibrahim bin Tuan Man (Facebook)

The minister did not reveal when or where they were infected

In the post, Tuan Ibrahim also revealed that one of his family members was in labour, but the newborn tested negative for COVID-19.

"A grandchild was safely delivered yesterday (25 December) and was confirmed negative but the mother is still being kept at Sungai Buloh Hospital," he said. 

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