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Why You Need Insurance: Family's New Car Hit By Flood An Hour After Leaving The Showroom

It was reported that floodwaters went up to 0.6m high in Puchong on Saturday evening, 16 December.

Cover image via Azhazul Azri (Facebook)

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A family met with an unfortunate incident when their brand new Proton X50 was submerged by a flash flood in Puchong, Selangor just an hour after it left the showroom

The incident was shared by Facebook user Azhazul Azri, who said his brother, a car salesperson, had just delivered the car to his customers around 5pm on Saturday, 16 December.

However, in an unexpected turn of events, by 6pm, the new car was seen submerged by floodwaters at an outdoor parking lot due to torrential rain.

"Floods are a risk we cannot control. They went into a mall because of the hot weather, went for a meal, prayed, and when they came out, the car was submerged," said Azhazul.

"Fortunately, my brother insisted for the customer to add a special perils coverage," he said.

Image via Azhazul Azri (Facebook)

Image via Azhazul Azri (Facebook)

Azhazul added that car sales agents do not simply recommend additional insurance coverage to their customers for the commission

"We, as car sales agents, recommend adding this special perils coverage not because we want to make more profit. Our profit is sometimes only RM10," he shared.

"But it's for the peace of mind. We want to know our customers' cars are covered. When something like this happens, we never regret because it's covered by insurance," he added.

According to Sinar Harian, the Damansara–Puchong Expressway (LDP) near IOI Mall Puchong was inundated by floodwaters up to 0.6m high following heavy rain in the Klang Valley on Saturday evening, causing hundreds of shoppers and road users to be stranded.

Image via Sinar Harian

In the comments section, netizens expressed pity over the unfortunate incident and thanked Azhazul for sharing about it

A Facebook user said, "Scary bro, just an hour and already got hit."

Image via Facebook

"Yes, due to the frequent heavy rain, special perils insurance is a must, even if it costs between RM300 and RM500 per year," said another.

Image via Facebook

"Others should be mindful to get natural disaster coverage as Malaysia's weather is unpredictable. Just wanting to be cheap can lead to headaches later. Be a wise consumer," advised another netizen.

Image via Facebook

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