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New CNY SOPs Allow For Reunion Dinners Among 15 Family Members Living Within 10KM Radius

Religious activities at the temple on 11, 12, and 19 February are also permitted.

Cover image via Hari Anggara/Malay Mail

The Ministry of National Unity (KPN) has today, 7 February updated its standard operating procedures (SOPs) for celebrating this coming Chinese New Year (CNY) under the Movement Control Order (MCO)

KPN said that it agrees that the CNY celebration SOPs needed to be improved.

"Family reunion dinners on 11 February will now be allowed with no more than 15 immediate family members living within a 10km radius without cross-border and inter-state travel," read the announcement.

Religious activities at the temple on 11, 12, and 19 February are also permitted under the updated SOPs, the ministry announced

The updated CNY SOPs comes after on Thursday the government announced that only those living under the same roof can be present for the reunion dinners, causing an uproar with the community:

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