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Subang Woman Wondered Why Cockroaches Were In Her Home Until She Saw Her Housemate's Room

Dog faeces, cockroaches, and trash were strewn all over the room.

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A woman's recent discovery in her home will make you thank the heavens for good housemates and spouses

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via Gasing Indah

Malaysian cosplayer Micho Teh took to Facebook yesterday, 7 January, to share her experience dealing with a rather unsightly discovery at her home in Bandar Sunway.

It all began when she noticed an influx of cockroaches invading her house.

"We noticed the increase[d] amount of cockroaches in the house. I understand it's raining season earlier, and [it's] normal to see cockroaches [from] time to time at [the] ground floor because [of the] kitchen etc. But the cockroaches actually kept coming from upstairs," she wrote.

Uncertain of what was attracting the unwanted pests, Micho brought up the cockroach issue to her housemates in a Whatsapp group

Her housemates responded that they too had been dealing with cockroaches flying into their rooms. 

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Initially, Micho thought a leak in the house might have been the cause. However, she eventually suspected that someone might have disturbed a cockroach nest causing the insects to scatter.

Screenshot of Micho's private chat with another housemate.

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After much discussion, Micho decided to ask one of her housemates - who was packing to move out - if she had accidentally moved furniture that might have disturbed a nest somewhere

The girl replied that she did move things around and suggested for Micho to try to sleep in another room for the time being. 

She then left the group chat shortly after. Suspecting something off, Micho asked her other housemates to check the girl's room.

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To her shock, her housemates found dog faeces, trash, and cockroaches strewn all over the girl's room

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"This is what my housemates saw when they opened the room last night. Flying huge ass cockroaches and eggs. Dog food and shits all over the place. Disgusting foul smell. The boys sealed up the room with masking tape quickly after spam spray Baygon."

"Based on what they told me, they can hear the cockroaches scratching the masking tape trying to escape from the room. UGH," she wrote, adding that the girl had already moved out of the house when they checked her room.

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Micho and her housemates later called pest control and the reports labelled the cockroach level as: HIGH.

She later updated saying that she created the post to warn others of the tenant

"Yeah she is filthy but please don't go harrass her or hurt her. NOT COOL," she added.

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Image via Facebook

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