M'sian Creates Handy Website To Check Your Seat's View At Bukit Jalil National Stadium
Save this for the next time you're planning to buy tickets!
A Malaysian has created a handy website for event-goers to check their seat's view at Bukit Jalil National Stadium before buying tickets
"You don't have to search (for an individual seat's view) on TikTok anymore, I hope this helps," said @afrieirham, who shared about his free-to-use website on X, formerly known as Twitter.
"The next time you're going to a concert at Bukit Jalil, you can just look here to check the view from the seat you're planning to buy," he explained.
He said he was inspired by another domain creator in the US, who made a website for his hometown's football stadium in Mississippi
"If someone was spending a significant amount of money on tickets for the big game, they'd wanna see their sections view of the field beforehand," said VaughtHemingway.com's creator, Peter Askew.
And that's exactly what Afrie did too.A view of the field from section 321 of Bukit Jalil National Stadium.
Image via BukitJalilStadium.com
The software engineer told SAYS that he took the photos from as many sections as he could on his own
However, he couldn't cover the whole stadium as he was there to watch the football match between Malaysia and Kyrgyzstan, nor did he have access to the grandstand area.
"But even with missing sections, I think it's good enough to build (the website) for now," he said.
He tweeted that he plans to complete the entire stadium's views on the website in due time, and also hopes to work with the stadium's officials to make it an official project.
You can check out the website here.
Thank you on behalf of all concert-goers and football fans, Afrie!
Bukit Jalil National Stadium just saw its highest-attended concert ever last week:
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