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Samsung Wants You To Wear Its Galaxy Ring To Stay Healthy & Productive

Samsung is poised to add a smart ring to its wearable tech lineup.

Cover image via Samsung

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Samsung is set to introduce a smart ring to its wearable tech lineup

Unveiled to a select group of journalists at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the ring, available in gold, platinum, and black, comes in 13 sizes and resembles regular jewellery.

Image via MSN

The Samsung Galaxy Ring is aimed at boosting productivity and promoting wellness

According to Samsung's VP and head of the Digital Health Team, Dr Hon Pak, the ring is designed for comfort and convenience and will complement Samsung's health ecosystem.

It includes features such as sleep tracking, heart health monitoring, and fertility tracking for women.

The Samsung Galaxy Ring will complement the brand's smartwatches

According to Mashable, the ring isn't a replacement for a smartwatch.

Rather, both devices are designed to work in harmony, although the specifics of this synergy are yet to be revealed.

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