10 Times Taylor Swift Showed The World She's A Boss Who Plays By Her Own Rules
Taylor Swift is the master of her own fate and destiny, pass it on.
1. Buying up porn site domains 'TaylorSwift.porn' and 'TaylorSwift.adult' before Internet trolls could get ahold of them
From 1 June 2015, anyone can purchase domain names ending in .porn, .adult, .sucks, and hundreds of other new suffixes, so the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has granted a two-month period for public figures and brands to snap up some domain names before it opens to the public.
Team Swift took advantage of the grace period to protect her brand and take control of potentially adult-based websites, hence ensuring that no one will stumble upon the domain names actually expecting to see Taylor Swift-themed porn.
2. Throwing some righteous shade at Princeton Review for misquoting her lyrics and attacking her grammar in a SAT practice question
Taken from Swift's hit single 'Fifteen', the lyrics actually read as, "Somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them."
As for the supposed grammatical error, the error seems to point to the disagreement between "somebody" and the plural personal pronoun "they". However, "they" can also be used to refer to a person without assigning a particular gender.
Meaning, the lyrics probably shouldn't even be an example in the question. BOOM!
3. Staging a bikini shoot with the Haim sisters after noticing some paparazzi slyly taking photos of her and her friends on vacation. Why? So the paparazzi won't make as much money from their shots. Genius!
Revealing the real reason behind the impromptu shoot, Swift said, "We spent this whole trip feeling like this is amazing we’ve been so sly there’s no paparazzi. Then we’re on our last day and we’re whale watching. We see a fishing boat about half a mile away. We were like ‘That’s a little weird we’re in the middle of the ocean scuba diving.’ My security got out binoculars and sees that they have a huge long lens camera at which point we go back to the beach and realise they got pictures of us in our bikinis."
"I didn’t want them to make like £100k so I was like we’re getting on the bow of the boat to take better bikini shots so they don’t take better pictures than ours."

4. Kicking celebrity chef Jamie Oliver in the butt when he challenged her to a bake-off
Watch the Naked Chef get owned in his own kitchen HERE:
5. Pulling her entire back catalogue from Spotify to make a stand against piracy, file-sharing and streaming services' that are devaluing music and art
In an interview with TIME Magazine, the singer explained why she left Spotify, "I think there should be an inherent value placed on art. I didn’t see that happening, perception-wise, when I put my music on Spotify. Everybody’s complaining about how music sales are shrinking, but nobody’s changing the way they’re doing things. They keep running towards streaming, which is, for the most part, what has been shrinking the numbers of paid album sales."
6. Giving actual Victoria's Secret Angels a run for their money. With close friends like supermodels Karlie Kloss, Lily Aldridge and Martha Hunt, and her own model-esque build, she's practically an honorary Angel by now!
7. Making fun of the media's portrayal of her as an "an overly attached man-eater who dates for songwriting material" in Blank Space
8. Shaking off the haters and doubters and fakers with the ultimate "Bye, haters!" anthem 'Shake It Off'. Nothing y'alls say is gonna stop her from doing whatever she wants!
9. Her amazing reaction to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's backstage PDA. Admit it, we all feel the same. ;)
10. Having a heart of gold and being a total sweetheart to her fans, in real life and on her personal social media. Like that one time she sent Christmas presents to her Tumblr BFFs...
Taylor Swift is literally the type of role model every celebrity said they would want to be! Some other actual stuff she's done for her fans: