
8 Iconic Female Duos In Pop Culture, Both In Fiction And Real Life

Because friends who stay together, slay together.

Cover image via Netflix/New Straits Times/Bustle

Marvel fans rejoice! The second season of ‘Iron Fist’ is finally streaming on Netflix, and we are pumped to see all the cool characters in action.

This season explores the development of female characters like sword-wielding badass Colleen Wing and the detective with a bionic arm, Misty Knight. 

Previously in 'Luke Cage: Season 2', Colleen is seen helping Misty get back on her feet after losing her arm. This time around, Misty is the one that comes to Colleen at her lowest, and their friendship blooms over the course of the season.

Fighting these two won't end well for you.

Fighting these two won't end well for you.

Posted by Marvel's Iron Fist on Thursday, 20 September 2018

Looks like Colleen and Misty are shaping up to be a truly badass duo!

In honour of their kickass friendship, here are 8 iconic female duos in pop culture, both in fiction and real life:

1. Malaysian Olympic silver medalists - Pandelela Rinong and Cheong Jun Hoong

Image via Astro Awani

On their own, Pandelela Rinong and Cheong Jun Hoong have accomplished amazing things as professional divers. Pandelela is a two-time Olympic medalist and has a total of four medals in the World Championships. Meanwhile, Jun Hoong became Malaysia's first diving world champion after winning the 10m platform event at the 2017 Aquatics Championships.

Together, this synchronised duo took things to a whole new level when they brought home the silver medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics!

2. 'Star Wars' warriors against the Dark Side - Rey and General Organa

Image via Joblo

These two women are working together to bring down the most evil empire in the galaxy. Rey is smart, loyal, and independent. From being an orphaned scavenger girl, she fights against all odds and showcases her talents as a great pilot and natural leader. Meanwhile, General Organa a.k.a Princess Leia breaks gender clichés as the fearless leader of the Rebel Alliance against the New Order.
While the true relationship between these two women remains a mystery, it's obvious that they have a special connection and friendship, more powerful than 'the force' that brought them together.

3. Comedians, writers, producers, and champions of women - Amy Poehler and Tina Fey

Image via InStyle

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are definitely #BFFgoals. From being "broke and single" when they first met in 1993, as described by Poehler, they have gone on to have wildly successful careers as actresses, comedians, writers, and producers, both individually and as a duo.

The two-time Golden Globes hosts have won multiple awards, created critically-acclaimed shows, and supported each other personally and professionally. They are known for their witty outspoken protests against sexism, misogyny, and ageism.

4. The best relationship on 'Grey's Anatomy' - Meredith and Cristina

They've gone through surgical residency, failed weddings, miscarriages, births, almost drownings, the death of loved ones, a hospital shooting, a plane crash, and more. While there's a lot of drama on this TV show, the one thing that remains constant is the bond between Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang. They're each other's "person!"

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when Cristina left to take her dream job in Switzerland. Her parting words to the ever-struggling Meredith: "You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he’s not the sun. You are." *cries in McDreamy

5. History-making queens of the tennis courts - Serena and Venus Williams

Image via Denver Post

Both the Williams sisters have been tennis world number ones over the course of their amazing careers. In 2002, they were even ranked no. 1 and 2, marking the first time in history that sisters occupied the top 2 singles rankings.

As a doubles team, these ladies have won all four Grand Slams and have brought home THREE gold medals in the Olympics!

6. The complex mother-daughter dynamic of 'Gilmore Girls' - Lorelai and Rory

Image via Revelist

This fictional mother-daughter pair tackled life as a team on ‘Gilmore Girls.’ For fans, Lorelai and Rory are more than just TV characters. Between their witty, impossibly-fast banter, and exceptionally close relationship, we wanted to be them!

While Lorelai is a cool mom who gives Rory a lot of freedom, she's also very young and could be pretty immature. This leaves Rory to pick up the emotional pieces and even step into a parenting role while still a child herself. Just like real-life relationships, theirs was totally complex and never black-and-white.

7. Both fictional and real-life besties - Monica and Rachel/Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston

We all wanted a friendship like Monica and Rachel from 'Friends.' No matter what, these childhood besties always had each other's backs. What made the fictional relationship so special was the very real friendship between the actors that played them - Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston.

While it's been 24 years since 'Friends' first aired, these besties have never stopped being best buds. They've vacationed together, been each other's maid of honour, cared for one another through divorces, attended events together, and openly supported each other's work. 

8. The coolest, most fashion-forward '90s teen icons - Cher and Dionne

Image via Bustle

'Clueless' is a truly iconic teen rom-com. Perhaps the reason why it stands the test of time is because below the fashion and superficial "clueless" rich kids, lies a story centred around complex and important female friendships - particularly between Cher and Dionne. 

Unlike other teen movies that showcase the "evil popular girls" trying to take down others, 'Clueless' gives us the funny and sweet relationship between Cher and Dionne, as they navigate the world of high school with the best intentions, although are often misguided.

Here's to strong female friendships, in real life and in fiction!

Image via Tenor

Get ready to watch the friendship between Colleen and Misty grow as they kick butt in the new season of ‘Iron Fist,’ streaming now on Netflix!

Image via Netflix

Subscribe online today to watch the full season.

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