
Marianne Tan And Jared Lee’s Down-To-Earth Wedding Vows Are Too Sweet #RelationshipGoals

I'm not crying, you're crying!

Cover image via TheGRIMFILM YouTube

If you are an ardent follower of the local YouTubers community, you'd know that TheGRIMFILM's Jared Lee and 'Ola Bola' actress Marianne Tan got hitched very recently!

The longtime couple, who got engaged in February last year, tied the knot surrounded by family members and close friends at the charmingly rustic Tanarimba, Janda Baik on 5 March. The lush greenery made for really gorgeous pics!

But it's the newly-married couple's vows to each other that really had us reaching for the nearest tissue pack. :')

We already started tearing up less than a minute in when he said, "I’m here because I believe in your dreams, and I will chase it with you until I can no longer move." #RelationshipGoals

"I’m here because I wanna eat with you, I wanna eat your cooking, I wanna cook for you to eat, find you places to eat, eat new things, eat yummy things, and as much as growing fat together sounds very cute, we will be fit and sexy together and still eat.

I’m here because no one is perfect, but in my eyes, you are.

I’m here because your crazy and my crazy can hold hands, and even though sometimes my crazy has three hands and one tentacle, you still hold on."

Our hearts absolutely melted seeing him barely able to keep himself together throughout his super adorable speech!

"I’m here because you make me a better man, and I wanna grow old with you and look like a prune together and take selfies. Even if it’s not an ‘in’ thing anymore, we will still take selfies.

I’m here because I love you, and I will continue to love you with all my heart and all the other parts of my body if I can love you with them, as well.

I’m here because some spend forever finding The One, but lucky for me, I found mine in only 28 years. And that One is you."

Just as our hearts have melted into an emotional puddle of goo, Marianne gave us even more feels with a truly wonderful line - "I promise to kill all the cockroaches you’ll ever encounter." That's true love, you guys.

"I promise to share my portion of the food first before gobbling everything else down. I won’t ever use swear words around us. I promise to be logical and kind, even through the most difficult fights.

I promise to never hesitate to be on your side no matter what. I promise to fiercely guard and protect our relationship from burning out. I promise to be the guardian of your solitude, for the sake of your freedom and personal development.

I promise to take care of your feelings equally as if it were mine. I promise to listen for as long as it takes for you to feel heard.

I promise to love, respect, and trust you and give you the best of myself."

Watch the full video HERE:

You can also see their wedding photos here.

Congratulations, Jared and Marianne! May every day that you spend together in your new life hold a wonderful, crazy surprise for you!

Not familiar with Jared Lee's work? Besides being a hilarious vlogger, he is also the co-founder TheGRIMFILM:

On a related note, check out some of the quirkiest weddings we've come across:

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