
#SimplePlanLiveInKL: The Unforgettable Moments We Will Forever Hold In Our Hearts

It was like a teenage dream come true!

Cover image via Samantha Khor / SAYS

Be still our beating hearts. Adult us might have grown out of listening to Simple Plan, but watching the band that shaped our teenage years with our very own eyes... that felt like a dream come true. :')

These guys might be well into their 30's now but boy, could they still rock our grown-up socks off! For an hour and a half, it felt like the rebellious '00s again and these were the moments we lived for:

1. When the band finally appeared in flashes of green lights as the opening chords to 'Opinion Overload' started sounding through the speakers

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2. "I gotta feeling... that tonight's gonna be a good night...!" OH, YOU KNOW IT IS.

3. When Pierre said "lompat!" and we were all too happy to comply

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4. We loved that the band interacted and joked around with the crowd! Pierre's Malay has definitely improved... ;)

He must've said "aku cinta padamu" at least five times throughout the concert. #happydieme

5. When everyone had a massive throwback sing-along to 'Welcome To My Life'. Ahhh the goosebumps!

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A video posted by (@mynnnevada) on

6. This was the moment we were reminded of the non-existent heartbreaks we went through

7. Things took for a happy, boppy turn when the band launched into their new reggae-inspired hit 'Singing in the Rain'

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8. Stop, wait a minute. The dance party is not over until we've shaken our booty to 'Uptown Funk' and 'Can't Feel My Face'!

9. Because the band loved the 'Summer Paradise' that is Malaysia so much, they decided to play with some humungous beach balls!

A video posted by Ahmad Haryth (@harythilmy) on

10. The band wrapped up their energy-filled set with 'I'm Just A Kid'... which is quite true, we're all still kids at heart. :p

11. What's a concert without an encore?! Simple Plan burst back onto the stage with that song you wanna just scream your lungs out to - 'Shut Up'!

12. In some way, the songs we hear over and over again have saved some of our lives. And 'This Song Saved My Life' is about just that.

Love the lighting effects!

13. Then came the song everyone has been waiting for...

14. ... And everyone - including us - went nuts! "I'm soooorry I caaaan't beeee... PEEERFEEEECTTT!"

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A video posted by SAYS (@saysdotcom) on

Thanks for the massive throwback, Simple Plan. \m/

Were you at the concert? Which was your favourite part of the show? Let us know in the comments below!

If you were (or still are) a huge fan of Simple Plan, you'll totally get this:

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