10 Most Memorable Things About Being At Good Vibes Festival This Year
Take us back. :(
Cover image via
Good Vibes Festival/Facebook
We've had the privilege of enjoying a dry Good Vibes Festival this year
Image via Good Vibes Festival/Facebook
In between jumping on an airbag trampoline, reminiscing our childhood on a see-saw, and enjoying the performances of both local and international artists, we've been left wanting more after the end of Good Vibes Festival this year.
4. The trampoline which captured embarrassing jump shots
Taking a jump shot while being on the trampoline was like a mandatory thing to do.
6. When we met The Neigbourhood for an inteview!
Image via SAYS
We had so much fun talking to the guys! Stay tuned for the full interview.
ps. spot the SAYS logo. ;)
7. Speaking of The Neighbourhood, their fans from Korea made this banner for lead singer, Jesse Rutherford
Kudos to the Korean fans for their determination!
8. When SZA, clad in a saree, got everyone to sing 'Happy Birthday' to her mother
One of the most heartwarming things that happened over the weekend. ❤️
9. When Lorde gave an emotional speech about her song, 'Liability'
Lorde made us shed a tear too. :(
10. We're pretty sure everyone had such a good time at the festival that the traffic jam out of the venue didn't matter
We can't wait for next year's Good Vibes Festival already!