Top 17 K-Pop Girl Groups By Fandom Ranking
Media outlet MBN TV has released their list of top 17 K-pop girl groups by fandom size and SNSD came up on top!
Each girl group was measured by their fandom size according to numbers shown on their respective fan cafes (where fans congregate to discuss)
Media outlet MBN TV has recently released the rankings of second-generation girl groups by fandom size according to the numbers shown on their respective fan cafes.
In 3rd place: Wonder Girls with 80,579 fans
In this list, the Wonder Girls are ranked third, but the group were named the ultimate ‘Digital Queens’ yesterday, 26 April 2014, for holding the longest ‘all-kill’ streak.

In 1st place: SNSD a.k.a. Girls' Generation with 245,447 fans
Kekuatan fandom SNSD ini terbukti melalui kemenangan di tempat pertama program muzik, tidak hanya untuk album terbaru “Mr.Mr.”, tapi juga album mereka sebelumnya.
Soompi, "Of all the girl groups that debuted in 2007, Girls' Generation is actually the only group with every single one of its original members remaining"
"Coming in at number 1 is the unrivaled Girls’ Generation. Making it past the average five year lifespan of most girl groups, Girls’ Generation has taken charge of the top spot."
"With a total of 245,447 fans in their fan cafe, they are able to stand their ground against boy groups. Their fandom power is evident through the first place wins on music programs, not only for their latest “Mr.Mr.” album, but their previous albums as well."
Koreaboo, "Second place was A Pink...however the huge gap between first and second place further emphasises the magnitude of Girls' Generation's enormous fan base"
"Second place was A Pink, with a fan base of 86,596 fans, however the huge gap between first and second place further emphasized the magnitude of Girls’ Generation’s enormous fan base."

"Whilst many would automatically assume that there would be more male fans than female fans, according to research, the number of female fans to male fans have been more or less equal, and this could also be seen at their concerts, where the gender distribution in the crowd is relatively equal."

Crayon Pop came in last but is "quite an amazing feat considering the fact that they are still very new to the K-pop industry"
"Coming in in last place was Crayon Pop, which is quite an amazing feat considering the fact that they are still very new to the K-Pop industry." - Koreaboo

"Mengingat status mereka sebagai kelompok rookie dibandingkan dengan senior mereka, Crayon Pop telah naik jauh. Setelah membuat hit dengan “Bar Bar Bar,” ukuran kelompok penggemar mereka telah tumbuh. Fans mereka dikenal dengan teriakan keras fan chants, koreografi yang disinkronkan, dan juga ikut mencocokkan kostum untuk mendukung kelompok kesukaan mereka tersebut." - Koreanindo