
7 Things We Could Turn That Bukit Nanas Secret Tunnel Into

DBKL said the 10-metre tunnel will be preserved as a tourist attraction but HOLD UP! Let our resourceful brains run wild...

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Malaysians woke up to the discovery of a secret tunnel in Bukit Nanas that used to house weapons, food, and treasure this morning

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Part of a secret tunnel, believed to be centuries old, stretching from Bukit Nanas to the Klang river bank has been found.

Traces of an ancient tunnel dating back to the Battle of Klang between Raja Mahadi and Tengku Kudin over tax disputes about 147 years ago was unearthed during slope reparation works on Bukit Nanas here.

The discovery of the 10-metre tunnel, used to store weapons, food and treasures, was made six months ago by a contractor hired by Kuala Lumpur City Hall during works to rectify a collapsed slope.

The Mandahiling community populated the hill, known as Bukit Gombak initially, in the mid 19th century. It housed Godang Palace owned by Tuanku Raja Asal or Ja Asai at its peak. During the Klang war, the Mandahiling people planted many pineapples there, hence the name Bukit Nanas now, and dug secret tunnels used to store weapons, food and treasures. The tunnels were also used as strategic posts and escape routes for the Mandahiling to launch surprise attacks or escape from their enemies.

The government announced that the tunnel will be turned into a tourist attraction but here at SAYS, we think there might be better options that Malaysians will look into if given the chance...

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Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said local authorities have agreed to preserve the site as a tourist attraction. "The site has been studied by the Malaysia History Association, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur branch. "Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and the Peninsula Malaysia Forestry Department will preserve the site for tourists to visit," Tengku Adnan said when officiating the completion ceremony of Bukit Nanas slope reparation works.

1. A shortcut. For Malaysian motorists who are nimble enough to squeeze through an opening like this, the tunnel can be an awesome exit route to escape from road blocks and traffic jams.

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2. A giant drain. The tunnel may also be used as a giant longkang, to siphon sewage water away...

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3. Turn it into a secret hideout. Some Malaysian vigilantes would start using the tunnels as a secret hideout and give it a funky name

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Keluang Man in his "Kluang Station". Get it?

4. Turn it into a housing area. Taman Terowong Jaya (pending approval from DBKL of course). Your beautiful, private underground getaway in the bustling city of KL with three-tier security and just enough standing room for an adult.

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5. Use it as a site for 'Escape Room'. The Tunnel of No Return. Escape from 10 metres of darkness, bats and creepy tunnel trolls

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6. Unique makan places. Food lovers are not left out either, as hipster cafes or mamaks will sprout up in the terowong. Hey, even the recently evicted Line Clear Nasi Kandar guys from Penang can set up shop inside!

7. Turn it into a giant slide. Theme park operators may also seize the opportunity to turn it into a water park ride, with a giant swimming pool waiting for thrillseekers at the end

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What would YOU do in a tunnel like that?

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