
8 Creepiest, Borderline Supernatural Things To Ever Happen In Malaysia

Someone please tell us why Malaysia got so many wan?

Cover image via Orang Kota-Tinggi (Facebook)

So we're totally not claiming to be experts on the legitimacy of these stories but even if they're not 100% true, it's still chillingly fun to read about them. Prepare yourself!

1. The Hybrid

The story: did something like this even happen? That whole 'pets and their owners looking like each other' concept totally got taken to a whole new freaky level! Somehow, a goat belonging to oil palm settler Ibrahim Basir gave birth to a kid with a human-like face at his farm in Johor. If it wasn't for the light brown fur completely covering its body, the humanness of its features would be even more pronounced. The creature did not survive long in this world as it was trampled to death by its mother soon after being born.

2. E.T. Returns

The story: We're all well versed with stories of UFO sightings in the middle of the night but since when do they come out during the day? 12 May 2014 was a typical day like any other until multiple eyewitnesses spotted a weird object roughly the size of hot-air balloon floating in the sky near the top of the Petronas twin towers.

Image via Beritaup2date

It remained in the air for a while, just slowly spinning by itself without making a single sound, before suddenly shooting upwards at a speed fast enough to make a small yet audible boom shockwave sound and disappearing into the clouds. #wearenotalone

3. Jangan Pandang Belakang (Don't Turn Around)

The story: People all over the Internet were freaking out over this couple's selfie after they spotted something sinister lurking in the background of the seemingly innocent and sweet photo.

Image via Twitter

Do you see it? The woman's reflection is facing the wrong way in the window, OMG! Some have even argued that the reflection doesn't even look like her and instead looks like someone else entirely, which we think just ups the creepy factor.

4. The Cries Of Many

The story: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Pengkalan Chepa 2 in Kelantan made the news earlier this year when more than 50 students and 8 teachers from there were overcome with a wave of mass hysteria, causing the school to close down for three days.

The outbreak was sparked by the fact that some students claimed to have seen indescribably horrific black specters and various paranormal beings such as pontianaks and hantu pocongs at the school. Some even claimed to have snapped pictures of these creatures at different locations throughout the school like the canteen and classrooms.

Image via Utusan Online

While the school was closed, a three-day cleansing ceremony was held to get rid of any negative and supernatural powers that may have been haunting the school. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the hysteria returned in full force when the school reopened with many succumbing to "posession", resulting in loud, harsh screams and violent incidents like one female student who jumped off a flight of stairs.

Photo used for illustration purposes only.

Image via kenangansilam-ita (Blogspot)

It was later reported that three other schools had been affected by cases of hysteria at around the same time: SMK Pengkalan Chepa 1, SMK Kemumin, and SMK Kubang Kerman.

5. The Little Mermaid

The story: We're gonna let the pictures speak for itself here 'cause we honestly don't know what to say or think about this! Back in 2006, it was said that this dead mermaid was found on a beach in Teluk Bahang, Penang. There was much speculation on whether this was real or simply some sort of staged prank; it definitely had a lot of people talking despite not receiving much coverage in mainstream news.

6. Burn Out

The story: Having a fire in your home is already scary enough in itself but what if it were to constantly happen again and again with no explanation? This is exactly what 59-year-old Azelan Abu Bakar, his 35-year-old wife Noraini Kamaruddin and their six children have been experiencing in their rental home in Kamping Losong Atap Zin.

Over the span of 3 months, there have been mysterious fires more than 8 times. The bedrooms, kitchen, walls and cupboards of their home have all caught fire with no discernible reason. Luckily, the fires are usually doused before any significant damage is caused.

Azelan points out one of the scorched walls in his house.

Image via New Straits Times Online

7. The Horror Movie Effect

The story: So picture this: it's around 2.30am and a young Singaporean couple has just returned to their room at the Imperial Hotel in Miri, Sarawak after catching a late-night show of 'The Conjuring 2'. It's late, they're exhausted; that soft, comfy hotel bed is calling.

The woman left her boyfriend to relax on the bed for a bit while she claimed the bathroom first. When she first saw what could have either been a 't' or a cross symbol drawn with water on the bathroom mirror, her first thought was that her boyfriend was pranking her. But when she confronted him, he in turn thought that she was the one pranking him because how could he have done it when he'd been on the bed since they got back?

They went to look at it together and noticed that it was probably freshly drawn as water was still dripping down the symbol's side. Thoroughly spooked, they didn't even stop to grab their things and immediately requested for a room change.

8. Ladies Beware

The story: Us girls have a lot to be wary of and it's officially time to add orang minyak to that list. There's a lot of debate about whether this naked male covered from head to toe in black grease is human or supernatural but what both versions have in common is that it specifically targets women.

Photo used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Week in Weird

It seems to particularly love Malaysia as we've been plagued with "outbreaks" of orang minyak sightings dating all the way back to the 1960s. The mass terror was so bad that unmarried women (especially those who lived in student dormitories) would go around constantly wearing sweaty clothing to ward off the orang minyak by tricking it into thinking that they were males.

Photo used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Superpower Wiki

Then in 2005, the female nurses at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital claimed that it was haunted by a knife-wielding orang minyak who would only appear and try to attack when they were alone. The last reported instance of orang minyak trouble was from a village in Gombak in 2012 where the residents complained of one that would cari pasal with specific households that had young girls.

Wahlao, us Malaysians are seriously up to our necks in creepy incidents man! But we're not the only ones...

While we were doing our research, we stumbled across this seriously freaky story from Singapore. You know how we've all learned to be wary of dolls ever since Chucky came out? Yeah, well incidents like this Malay-speaking doll that STALKS YOU just proves our fears to be well-founded.

The story: A petite little doll dressed in a slightly dirty silk and lace dress was found abandoned by the side of a busy street in Singapore. Besides the obvious unusual addition of a blindfold (more on this in a bit), something else to note is how carefully the doll is positioned. Notice how it's gently leaning against a tree, almost as if it was deliberately placed and not just accidentally dropped or casually abandoned.

This Reddit thread hints at the doll's dark history with multiple reports of the creepy moments its owners have faced. One claimed that it moves of its own accord when no one is looking while another claims to have heard it speak in Malay in the voice of an adult female. Some have even related it to suicide and murder as the instance of these cases seem to rise shortly after the doll is discovered.

But what all the accounts have in common is that the doll always finds its way back to you no matter how many times you throw it away. According to its original owner, the only way to stop it from following you is to blindfold it with that particular piece of cloth that has been inscribed with the word 'bismillah' and abandon it somewhere far away. This apparently prevents it from seeing the way to follow you once again.

So now that you're well-aware that Singapore can be just as freaky as Malaysia, do you dare let them unleash their full scaring abilities on you?

If you're sick of doing the same old thing on Halloween and are eager to experience something truly scare-tastic, you totally need to head across the border and see what Universal Studios Singapore at Resorts World Sentosa Singapore has to offer at their Halloween Horror Nights 6 event.

Running on selected dates from 30 September 2016 to 31 October 2016, you'll be in for a night of thrills and scares for sure! Click here for more information and to book your tickets.

What do you think of these incidents and which one is the creepiest to you? Let us know in the comments below!

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