
Dad Who Wrapped Exercise Book As Mysterious Gift For Daughter Angers Her & The Internet

How could they do that to her? )';

Cover image via 光影中国 (Douyin)

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A couple in China has enraged the Internet for pulling a prank on their daughter by giving her an exercise book as a surprise gift

In a video that has gone viral on China's TikTok equivalent, Douyin, the little girl can be seen in all smiles as she unwraps a box after she was told that it is a "surprise gift" from her father.

"Are you happy?" the mother asks the girl in the video, to which she replies in excitement, "Yes, I am!"

"This is a present from your father," continues the mother.

"Thank you, dad," says the daughter.

The caption in the video says that it was taken in Jilin, China, on 21 March.

Image via 光影中国 (Douyin)

She proceeds to open the wrapping gingerly and merrily, only to find a yellow exercise book inside the box

"What is this? Why did he buy me an exercise book?" she asks, looking confused while flipping through the pages of the book.

The mother then bursts into laughter, reminding her that it is a gift.

Frustrated by what she has come to realise that it is a prank, she throws the book at her mother.

But her hopes are still up. She goes back to the box to see if she has missed anything inside.

"There is only one foam piece left inside," she murmurs to herself while a teardrop rolls down her face.

The mother continues laughing, but the child walks calmly away.

The video has gone viral in China, with many netizens criticising the parents for treating the little girl cruelly by getting her hopes up and then crushing them

South China Morning Post (SCMP) quoted a netizen as saying, "She shed tears of grievance. How can this father do that to his adorable daughter?"

"Really? The mother was laughing out loud?" wrote another netizen.

On Douyin, many netizens reprimanded the father for traumatising his daughter, while several netizens joked that when the father is hospitalised one day, the daughter will request the doctor to "pull the plug" on him.

Image via Douyin

The video can be found below:

In October last year, a schoolgirl in China went viral for pleading with her father earnestly for some play time:

Meanwhile, a boy caught the Internet's attention for crying in frustration after he had a hard time tutoring his sister

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