
Here's How You Can Quickly Level Up In Pokémon GO Without Cheating Or Spending Any Money

It's all worth it.

Cover image via SAYS / Fraghero

Now that Pokémon GO mania is in full swing in Malaysia, trainers across the nation are going above and beyond to catch 'em all

Image via SAYS

People are extending their lunch hours, going on longer smoke breaks and skipping work just for a chance to catch a Snorlex. Ok, maybe not skipping work lah, but you get the drill.

However, capturing Pokémon is only one aspect of the game. A successful trainer must increase his or her Level by earning a steady flow of XP!

Image via VG247

Did you know the higher your Level, the better your chances of finding a rare Pokémon?

Before we move on to the tips, let's take a look at how leveling works in Pokémon GO!

Yup, that's me and I hate durian. Deal with it. :)

Image via SAYS

Basically, you would need to acquire an adequate number of XP (experience points) to level your Trainer. For example, I would need 10,000XP to jump from Level 12 to Level 13.

There are a number of ways for you to get XP. Visiting PokéStops, catching Pokémon, finding new species of Pokémon, evolving Pokémon, training at the gym, conquering enemy gyms — all of these things will give you a varying amount of XP.

This full breakdown from a Reddit user shows that evolving and catching a new Pokémon gives you more XP compared to other activities.

So, there are many different ways to gain XP in the game. Some in-game actions and achievements award you with minimal XP, while others will grant you a high amount of XP. Here are the five best ways to gain experience points and Level up quickly:

1. Catch ALL Pokémons! Yes, that includes Rattatas and Pidgeys.

Image via SAYS

Don't ignore all the Ratattas and Pidgeys, guys! While catching a Pokémon will only give you 100XP, but those numbers will stack up! Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit (A penny saved is a penny earned) holds very true in this game. Plus, you'll have more Pokémons at your disposal if you want to evolve them or exchange for candy.

You'll also gain extra XP for throwing PokéBalls skillfully eg. nice throw, great throw, excellent throw or a curve throw! So, don't forget to take some time to practice your throws!

2. Don't be lazy to hatch those eggs!

Image via Alphr

Hatch those cute little eggs you find at PokéStops by walking the required distance and your egg will hatch into a Pokémon. You'll gain XP regardless of the species of the Pokémon, but if the hatched Pokémon is a new species, you'll get extra XP!

3. Evolve your Pokémons

Image via iMore

Evolving Pokémon is just as important as capturing new ones. To power up and evolve your Pokémon, you will need Candy and Stardust - but the hustle will be all worth it as you'll get a great deal of XP, 500 to be exact! Evolved Pokémons are also much stronger and they will strengthen your team.

4. Visit as many PokéStops as you can

Image via Game Rant

As you travel you will find a variety of PokéStops to visit. These locations will give you Pokéballs, Revives, Eggs among other goodies. Most importantly, visiting PokéStop will give you some XP.

5. Lastly, put your Lucky Eggs into good use

As you start to reach Level 9 or higher in Pokémon GO, you'll start to see a Lucky Egg or two in your Items list. What a Lucky Egg does is it doubles up all of your XP you get for 30 minutes, so you want to spend that time wisely.

A strategy that's pretty useful when it comes to capitalising your Lucky Egg is to collect as many Pidgeys, Caterpies, Rattatas and Weedles as you can. Next, make sure you have a Lucky Egg, head to a PokéStop and drop a Lure Module.

A 30-minute countdown will begin and it's time for you to hustle. Start by evolving all your common Pokémons. Every Rattata into a Raticate, every Pidgey into a Pidgeotto, and so on, but that's not all! Capture as many Pokémons as you can too, because every capture and evolution will double in XP.

And there you have it! Some useful tips and tricks for you to level up as a Pokémon trainer. Now, go out and strive to be the very best!

Image via Gawker

If you're hoping to be a Gym Leader, we got you covered too!

Your Pokémon's CP is also super important!

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