
Don't Want To Spend On Movie Tickets? Make Your Own Cardboard Cinema

We hope it comes with surround sound.

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Japanese are an interesting bunch. From kissing eyeballs to 'eye' phones, they're always surprising the world with their eccentric trends.

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But this latest trend from the land of the rising sun might just be the quirkiest. Introducing the... cardboard theatre!

Looks comfy!

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The concept is simple - to mimic a movie experience that is private and comfortable. All you need is a cardboard box and a tablet or phone!

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Cut a hole at the bottom of the box and another hole at the side and you're good to go! This affordable cinema will be able to cut off all light and sound, all in the comfort of your own home.

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The set-up, designed to deliver a private, somewhat immersive movie-watching experience, consists of a large cardboard box and a tablet or smartphone.

When did this trend start? According to Mashable, it dates back all the way to year 2013

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Tracking the trend online, it's unclear when the first one was created and shared, but there are examples dating back to 2013, with most of the activity around creating the contraption starting earlier this year.

If you need instructions to create your own cardboard theatre, here's a tutorial video. It's in Japanese, but the demonstrations are easy to follow.

Oh, Japan, will you ever ever run out of crazy ideas to share?

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