
Just When You Thought Puns Would Die Down, This Malaysian Revs Things Up...

Who ever knew that our local cars are ripe for making puns?

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Remember when we asked our readers to contribute to our Malaysian LRT Pun story?

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Thanks to SAYS reader Donovan Goh, we got more than we asked for: A collection of puns made from our local cars...

1. The Wira that's warming up

2. The MyVi that's stranded

3. The boxy leader

4. The compact that's feeling small

5. The Waja just needs some love

6. The emer-Gen-cy car

7. The good ol' car you can trust

Are you a car-punster? Let us know what other puns you can make out of our local cars and we'll feature them here on SAYS! Just message us on Facebook or Tweet us!

Other pun-tastic stories also on SAYS:

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