
M'sian Cyclist Dines In A 'Restaurant' That Turns Out To Be Someone's Front Porch

The mak cik didn't have to, but she still served him food. <3

Cover image via Mohd Kharbi/Facebook & My Kayuh/Facebook

Avid cyclist Mohd Karbi Mominin got caught in an awkward situation recently when he confused someone's private home as a roadside eatery

Sharing his hilarious predicament with fellow cycling enthusiasts on Facebook group My Kayuh, the 51-year-old said he only realised his mistake after asking to pay for his meal.

No stranger to cross-country journeys alone on his bicycle, Mohd Karbi was on a four-day 600km journey from Hulu Klang, Selangor, to his hometown in Terengganu.

He said that he was feeling completely exhausted and famished after cycling over 70km from Kenyir Lake to Kuala Berang on the first day of Hari Raya Aidiladha.

He decided to take a break and stopped at a small 'eatery', where he saw people sitting and eating around a few tables on the front porch

"I was so tired and hungry to think properly as I had only eaten a bit the night before. And the house looked like a place to eat," he told Harian Metro.

He went straight up to the mak cik who appeared to be running the place and ordered a plate of nasi dagang.

"From the food on the table, I assumed they were selling nasi dagang, so I ordered a plate of that and the mak cik just went ahead to prepare the rice dish for me," he recounted.

"At that point, they did not say anything. In fact, I'm the kind who loves to talk, so I sat there and told many stories to the small boy there who I assumed was another customer."

"I only felt a bit strange when the mak cik served me a cup of teh tarik, which I did not order," he said.

He really did not suspect anything amiss until he asked to pay for his meal and was dumbfounded by the response

"Bakponye nak bayar? Bukannya kedai," replied the mak cik in her Terengganu dialect, which translates to: "Why do you want to pay? This is not a shop."

Sharing the incident on Facebook, Mohd Karbi said he was mortified. He could not believe that he had walked right into someone else's home and eaten their food.

"I did not know her, she did not know me. It was so rude of me," he replied to Facebook users laughing at his hilarious but embarrassing experience.

"It really is funny, but imagine how thick my face had to be to walk out of there."

Retelling his story to the Malay daily, he said he was definitely touched that the mak cik still served him food without question

He was also thankful for the hospitality shown by the rest of her family.

"Whatever it is, I want to tell the family that they are the nicest people and the nasi dagang was really good," Mohd Karbi said.

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