
The Inevitable Feelings You'll Have If You're A Student Trying To Survive The 2016 Economy

Mamak dates FTW!

Cover image via The Adventures of George the Storm Trooper

1. Pride: When you've whipped up yet another #onpoint plate of Maggi

A photo posted by @snowbearflakes on

2. Shame: Every time you need to show your student card (which is hopelessly frayed from your relentless attempts to claim discounts everywhere)

3. Anxiety: When you're desperately broke and ask your date if it's okay to swap that Caramel Macchiato with a Kopi O instead

4. Comfort: When you're tucking into your favourite Milo + Hup Seng snack combo

5. Hope: When you think of the financial prospects that #2kerja brings

6. Tempted: The next time your friend who does MLM calls, you might actually answer the phone

7. Pain: Sacrificing your dignity to appeal for cash withdrawals from the Bank of Mum and Dad

But on the bright side, being a student means there's still the option of having loving parents who support you whenever they can! Just be glad you're not in the working world yet...

Image via Tumblr

Do your parents a favour by looking out for great deals on the course you're keen on, especially with initiatives like INTI’s Education Stimulus Plan around

Surviving the tough times due to increased cost of living isn't easy, especially when it comes to getting a good education. Fortunately, as INTI International University & Colleges celebrate their 30th anniversary this year, 2016 is looking to be a great year to consider their courses. Here are some notable highlights:

1. 30th Anniversary Price Lock: No tuition fees increments throughout the course of study, as long as you register in 2016.

2. 30% Off: On top of the Price Lock, there will be a 30% waiver on all foundation programmes in 2016.

3. Monthly instalment payment option: The burden of lump sum payment is now eased with the introduction of credit card instalment option.

Find out more here.

Ready for uni? Here's to the best years of your life!

Image via Wikia

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