
How A Malaysian Trolled This Scammer Who Offered To Buy His 'Tahi Hidung' For RM200,000

The clueless scammer had no idea.

Cover image via KedahNews (Edited)

A desperate scammer was out to prey on a new victim but a quick-thinking Malaysian knew it was a fraud. However, the Malaysian decided to respond anyway and have some fun.

Screenshots of the conversation on WhatsApp between the scammer and the Malaysian have been circulating on social media recently and they were credited to one Facebook user known as 'Wak Sab'.

According to the messages, the seller (whose replies are in green) could already tell that the buyer, who is most likely a foreigner, was out to scam very early into the conversation, but decided to entertain the fraudster's random enquiries anyway.

Things quickly got a lot more interesting when the seller said that he was selling 'tahi hidung'. Yes, that's booger in Malay.

You could tell that the Malaysian was getting creative with each reply. He was definitely having so much fun.

Somehow, the scammer "agreed" to buy boogers for RM250,000

Image via Facebook

At one point, the scammer apparently got upset and asked the seller to stop asking questions

The seller obliged - hiding insults along the way - but of course, the scammer didn't get any of it

The two continued exchanging dozen messages before the scammer finally got to what he wanted - to cheat the Malaysian

Long story short: The scammer pretended to make an online bank transfer for the purchase and claimed that the seller has to go to the ATM to pay an 'activation fee', otherwise the transferred money would be 'locked'.

The Malaysian was obviously not falling for it but he continued to play along. 

At the end of it all, the Malaysian called the scammer out and got his final say

Check out the full post on Facebook here.

This Malaysian is definitely one creative, expert troll who put the scammer in his place. Well done.

Image via Giphy

A few months ago, this guy decided to troll a fraudster who tried to scam him:

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