Don't Be Surprised If You See People Wearing Plastic Bag Swimsuits To The Pool
Fashion... or faux pas?
If you - like yours truly - have always been reluctant to spend your hard-earned money on scraps of waterproof fabric a.k.a. a swimsuit, we have some good news
Some Taiwanese teens are apparently trying to spark a new fashion trend... by wearing translucent plastic shopping bags as swimsuits
According to Shanghaiist, some social media users are convinced that these girls are acting as environmental ambassadors to draw attention to the amount of plastic bags humans consume while others are of the opinion that they are just trying to show off as much of their bodies as possible.
Pretty economical, right? Plastic bags are pretty much available anywhere - for free! - and you could easily make a dozen different ones from the ones you already have lying around the house.
They're pretty easy to make too! All you have to do is cut off the 2 bottom edges of the bag (make sure the holes are big enough for you to put your leg through), put your legs through the holes, slip your arms into the plastic handles, and VOILA! You have a trendy swimsuit!
You've probably noticed by now that the 'models' REALLY love their 7-Eleven plastic bags.
Image via The Daily Mail OnlineThese 'swimsuits' are not just designed for the ladies, guys can totally rock 'em too! You just gotta find the right plastic bag size with a colour that makes your eyes pop.
No one seems to have tested these plastic bag swimsuits in the pool, but we're guessing they're not too great at covering private bits. They're also probably not gonna be keeping the cold out... unless you wrap a large plastic bag around you like this:
Our verdict: Let's keep plastic bags out of fashion, please! Oh wait...
Vanessa Moe's debut collection at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia featured plastic bag-like headwear.
Image via Getty Images / The Daily Mail Online