17 Reasons Why Christmas Haters Hate Christmas
It's beginning to feel a lot like commercialism-and-greed-mas. Christmas haters have good reasons to hate Christmas, this is what they want all Christmas lovers to know.
1. Christmas songs. Some christmas songs are okay but majority of the good old classics have been turned into annoying bad covers that will forever haunt our ears.
Christmas music. Some christmas songs are pretty good but majority of the good old classics have been turned into an annoying bad cover that will forever live in my ears.
Image via mshcdn.com2. Suddenly everybody listens to jazz. There are lots of jazz covers of Christmas songs, so those who did not enjoy jazz for the past 11 months are suddenly jazz enthusiasts? C'mon.
Suddenly everybody listens to jazz. There are lots of jazz covers of Christmas songs, so those who did not enjoy jazz for the past 11 months are suddenly jazz enthusiast's? C'mon.
Image via wordpress.com3. Christmas mall music. Sure it's not as bad as the stuff they play during Chinese New Year, but it's still irritating. I don't need to hear 5 different versions of Rudolph's story in one mall trip.
Sure it's not as bad as the stuff they play during Chinese New Year, but it's still very irritating. I don't need to hear 5 different versions of Rudolph's story in one mall trip.
Image via ning.com4. The crowd at the mall. You people had 11 months to do your Christmas shopping, why must you all crowd the malls at the last minute?
You people had 11 months to do your Christmas shopping, why must you all crowd the malls at the last minute?
Image via smosh.com5. Commercialism. Companies are taking advantage of this holy day to make big profits. If it's a season about peace and goodwill, why are people spending more money at these corporations than they do at charities?
6. Brainwashing. The Christmas holidays have been designed to profit retailers and make people feel the need to buy, buy, buy things that they don't need nor want.
The Christmas holidays have been designed to profit retailers and make people feel the need to buy, buy, buy things that they don't need nor want.
Image via gawkerassets.com7. Greed. People focus so much on gifts and fancy mall decorations that they forget Christmas is about the birth of Christ, and family.
Greed. People focus so much on gifts and fancy mall decorations and forget that Christmas is about the birth of Christ, and about family.
Image via rackjite.com8. Hypocrites. People should be happy, give, share and love all year round, not only in December.
People should be happy, give, share and love year round, not only in December.
Image via wordpress.com9. CHRISTmas. Christmas have become a holiday of gift-giving. How many people who are celebrating Christmas actually know the story behind Christ's birth?
Christmas have become a holiday of gift-giving. How many people who are celebrating Christmas actually know the story behind Christ's birth?
Image via mom.me10. Santa Claus. The symbols of Christmas, St Nicholas of Myra and his reindeers, have nothing to do with the origins of Christmas.
The symbols of Christmas, St Nicholas of Myra and his reindeers, have nothing to do with the origins of Christmas.
Image via lolsnaps.comHow did this St. Nicholas become a North Pole-dwelling bringer of Christmas gifts? The original saint was a Greek born 280 years after Christ who became bishop of Myra, a small Roman town in modern Turkey. Nicholas was neither fat nor jolly but developed a reputation as a fiery, wiry, and defiant defender of church doctrine during the "Great Persecution," when Bibles were put to the torch and priests made to renounce Christianity or face execution.
The first known written account of reindeer in association with the legend of Santa Claus occurred in 1821. That year, New York printer William Gilley published a sixteen page booklet titled A New Year's Present, to the Little Ones from Five to Twelve Number III : The Children's Friend by an anonymous author. In the book, reindeer are introduced into the Santa Claus narrative.
11. Kids. Tis' NOT a season to spoil whiny little children with expensive gifts that they will eventually destroy. Tis' the season to teach them how to be a better, kinder person.
Tis' is NOT a season to spoil kids with expensive gifts that they have been whining about and will eventually destroy. Tis' the season to teach them how to be a better, kinder person.
Image via hatersbehatin.com12. Heartbroken children finding out that Santa does not exist. Why would any parent set up their children for a heartbreak like that?
13. The expectations to be cheerful. People keep saying tis' the season to be jolly. Don't force me to be jolly just because it's December. It's annoying, stop it.
People keep saying it's the best time of the year, tis' the season to be jolly and such. It's annoying, stop it.
Image via deviantart.net14. The worshipping of western culture. Our constant "need" to imitate Western culture is amplified during the Christmas season.
Our constant "need" to imitate Western culture is amplified during the Christmas season.
Image via blogspot.com15. Politics. It's a time to put away our differences and love each other, but in many parts of the world Christmas has become a target of racial and political correctness.
Politics. It's a time to put away our differences and love each other, but in many parts of the world Christmas has become a target of racial and political correctness.
Image via akamaihd.net16. Gluttony. If you're going to overindulge and feel sick from eating all the Christmas foods, don't complain about "being too full".
Gluttony. If you're going to overindulge and feel sick from eating all the Christmas foods, don't complain about "being too full".
Image via mshcdn.com17. The post-holiday sadness. If you're feeling sad because you did not have a great Christmas celebration, maybe you should not have such high expectations to be happy in the first place.
If you're feeling sad because you did not have a great Christmas celebration, maybe you should not have such high expectations to be happy in the first place.
Image via canoe.caWith that said, Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good year!
The worshipping of western culture. Our constant "need" to imitate Western culture is amplified during the Christmas season.
Image via beautygeekuk.com