19 Thoughts That Go Through My Head During The Hazy Season
*Coughs* OMG I'm going to die.
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4. Wow, I can't even remember the last time I saw blue skies... :(
Or anything beyond a few kilometre radius, TBH.
Image via SAYS
5. Ugh, I don't wanna go out and be wrapped in smoke. Maybe I should work from home... Or call in sick!
If I were still in college, I would've totally gone back to bed already.
Image via Vagabomb
7. I should go to the pharmacy to get some masks... but what if the haze clears up? I DON'T WANNA WASTE MONEY!
Also, I read somewhere that the masks they sell don't really work... so how? Which one should I buy? What is N95? Argh, it's so confusing!
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9. Is it me... or does my hair smell like smoke?
Pretty sure my CLOTHES smell like I just walked through a smokers' den too. Or a vape store...
Image via Snuff Or Die
10. Should I walk out of my nice enclosed, air-conditioned office for lunch... or snack from my secret snack drawer?
Maybe I should order pizza. Or get someone to tapau for me!
Image via Instagram @ultimate4g63
11. I know I'm supposed to drink more water, but it makes me wanna pee all the time so... welp. Toilet time.
Image via SPT
12. *coughs* Oh no, I'm gonna get asthma. Or lung cancer. *non-stop coughing* Am I... dying? NOOOOOooooOOOooooo...!
Image via The Breakfast Club
13. Dear diary, my throat is so dry. My skin feels itchy and I think it's kinda peeling. My head hurts. I just want to lie down and be miserable.
Image via NBC
14. "Hey, [your name]! Wanna go for a run?" Hahahahahahaaaa... NO.
I'd rather not choke on my own breath while running out of breath, thank you very much.
Image via Featured Creature