25 Most Unforgettable 'Bas Sekolah' Problems Malaysians Grew Up With
The big yellow 'bas sekolah', new or old, uncle or auntie driver, is an essential part of our school days that we will never forget. Taking the school bus taught us to be independent, but it also came with a few problems...
1. Mum or dad shouting that the bus is here, but you're still not ready rushes off to look for socks
Mum or dad shouting that the bus is here, but you're still not ready *rushes off to look for socks*
Image via wordpress.com2. The moment of shame when you walk into the bus and everyone is looking at you because you made them wait
The moment of shame when you walk into the bus and everyone is looking at you because you made them wait
Image via tumblr.com3. Waiting 487,901 hours for that one person who always takes too long to get on to the bus
Waiting 487,901 hours for that one person who always takes too long to get on to the bus
Image via tumblr.com4. When the bus is late and you are worried that Uncle Bus has forgotten about you
When the bus is late and you are worried that Uncle Bus has forgotten about you
Image via preigcanada.com6. The older, cooler kids standing near the bus door, but you were never cool enough for that
The older, cooler kids standing near the bus door, but you were never cool enough for that
Image via utusan.com.my7. Poking your head out the window to enjoy the wind like a free bird... until Uncle Bus shouts at you to sit properly
Poking your head out the window to enjoy the wind like a free bird... until Uncle Bus shouts at you to sit properly
Image via 0fees.net8. On some days when you cannot get a seat, you really know what it feels like to be in a "sardine can"
On some days when you cannot get a seat, you really know what it feels like to be in a "sardine can"
Image via imgur.com9. Stuffiness, lack of fresh air, and the smell of everyone's sweat after sports practice
Stuffiness, lack of fresh air, and the smell of everyone's sweat after sports practice
Image via vh1.com10. Standing in the bus and wishing that someone sitting, ANYONE, would be kind enough to hold those heavy books (and bag) for you
Standing in the bus and wishing that someone sitting, ANYONE, would be kind enough to hold those heavy books (and bag) for you
Image via tumblr.com14. You're so tired. You want to sleep but why must the people at the back curse and laugh loudly like that?
You're so tired. You want to sleep but why must the people at the back curse and laugh loudly like that?
Image via tumblr.com15. That awkward silence in the bus if you're the first student to be picked up, or last to be dropped off
That awkward silence in the bus if you're the first student to be picked up, or last to be dropped off
Image via memecrunch.com16. Those challenging times when you needed to ask the Uncle Bus to detour somewhere for you
Those challenging times when you needed to ask the Uncle Bus to detour somewhere for you
Image via blogspot.com18. ...and that sad feeling when your parents don't trust you enough to pass the money to your bus driver
...and that sad feeling when your parents don't trust you enough to pass the money to your bus driver
Image via wordpress.com23. When your home is technically a 10-minute drive from school, but you go for a ride around town for an hour before the bus stops at your house
When your home is technically a 10-minute drive from school, but you go for a ride around town for an hour before the bus stops at your house
Image via tumblr.com25. When you fall asleep in front of everyone in the bus in the most unflattering way
When you fall asleep in front of everyone in the bus in the most unflattering way
Image via tumblr.comThat said, the nostalgic feeling when you see your bus driver, in the same bus, driving through your neighbourhood, ferrying students the age you once were = PRICELESS
The feeling of nostalgia you feel now when you see the same bus driver, in the same bus, driving through your street, ferrying students the age you once were
Image via staticflickr.com