Throwback Thursday: Clark Kent/Superman Doesn't Only Change In Phone Booths
As a Superman fan girl, I am legally obliged to tell you that Superman, in his many forms, is the sexiest man alive.
Before we start, notice that Superman does not undress like a normal man. The Superman way of undressing is pulling apart the shirt first, tie next.
Now that there’s a new superman in town girls are obviously falling for him.
Before we start, notice that Superman does not undress like a normal man. The Superman way of undressing is pulling apart the shirt first, and then only the tie.
Image via craveonline.comChanging in a prison cell, Action Comics #323, April 1965
Swan and Klein have Clark Kent trying to hid his identity, Shawshank Redemption style on the cover of Action Comics #323. Image from goodcomics.
Image via comicbookresources.comChanging in a cage, Action Comics #407, 1971
It’s Superman himself who has to reveal his identity on this Swanderson cover of Action Comics #407 in 197. Image from goodcomics.
Image via comicbookresources.comChanging in a photo booth, Superman III the movie, 1983
"Superman, this is the world's fastest photo booth, and my pictures are already done!"
Image via photobooth.netDistracted from his duty but still intent on protecting his identity, Superman grabs the revealing photos.
Image via photobooth.netPhoto 4: full-blown hero, complete with totally new part and sexy hair curlicue.
Image via photobooth.netSuperman rips off the last photo, hands it to the kid, and keeps the first three - but don't worry, they'll magically disappear in the next shot.
Image via photobooth.netTime for a flying stunt, as the title has already hit the screen and the only action we've seen so far were some domino-like phone booths. Is this Lester's way of shaking up the system?
Image via photobooth.netChanging in a melting phone booth, Superman #383, 1983
This 1983 Superman #383 cover by Paris Cullins and Dick Giordano is one of the few times you’ll ever see Superman in a phone booth on a comic book cover. Image from Goodcomics.
Image via comicbookresources.comChanging in a phone booth, Smallville, 2011
Clark changing in a Metropolis phone booth [Smallville Episode: Booster] (2011)
Image via supermanhomepage.comPromo Poster and Man of Steel Reviews Superman and Lois Lane 2013
Man of Steel Reviews Superman 2013. Promo Poster and Man of Steel update information with Malay article
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