
[VIDEO] 2-Year-Old Toddler From Penang Identifies Car Logos Like A Lil Salesman

His mum told SAYS that he's a fast learner with good memory.

Cover image via @hanslim.hh (Instagram)

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An adorable two-year-old from Penang is attracting attention on social media for being able to point out different car models to his mum

In a video posted on Instagram, the little boy, Hans, can be seen tottering after his mum in a parking lot as she asks him the brand of every car they see.

"What car is this?" his mum, Sandra, can be heard asking.

"Audi," he answers happily while clutching a red toy car in his hand.

He goes on to identify eight other car brands, with his mum correcting one of his mistakes, to which he repeats out loud, as if committing it to memory.

Speaking to SAYS, Sandra said Hans has always loved cars

"He loves it, no matter what kind of car it is. But it's better if it is a famous car, he will love that even more," she said.

She added that since he loves cars so much, she and her husband started pointing at cars they see on the road to teach him their names.

"Sometimes, I would then test him, and his answers would surprise me. It'd be the name of a car I mentioned once a long time ago, and he would still remember.

"I do often wonder what's installed inside the head of a two-year-old," she joked, adding that he's a fast learner with good memory.

The video has since garnered over 55,000 likes and comments, with netizens praising Hans for his impressive skills and also joking about it

"Other children want to go to the playground, but your son likes the parking lot," joked a Xiaohongshu user.

Image via Xiaohongshu

"Smart baby! What milk powder do you drink? If I drink the same now, do you think I can be like you?" joked another netizen.

Image via Instagram

Another Instagram user said, "When you give him RON97 instead of milk. Hahaha, just kidding."

Image via Instagram

Watch the adorable video here.

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