
[VIDEO] Jib Kor And Rosmah's CNY Dance Routine Is Simply Fabulous

Who's the best couple in Malaysia? Ah Jib Kor and Rosmah!

Cover image via Kenneth Liau/YouTube

Tomorrow is the first day of Chinese New Year! HUAT AHHH!!!


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Know what would make your CNY even better and more 'ONG'? Najib and Rosmah blessing you with well wishes, of course!

I mean, they even busted out some nifty moves for us. Aiyo, why so cute la!

Don't believe us? Watch their hilarious, awesome dance number here:

Disclaimer: This lighthearted video was made (not by us) for the the fun of CNY and not to be taken seriously. We don't want to kena sedition!

They're looking quite fit and slim, might we add. It must be the rempits keeping them up at night...

Najib and Rosmah definitely have been taking pointers. They're following #8 to a tee:

You better not let them catch you count calories this CNY!

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