
12 Most Relatable Things About Buying Insurance In Malaysia

That moment when your agent starts drawing charts and rattling off numbers...

Cover image via Supernatural Snark

1. In every family, there's always that one auntie who does insurance - and she probably pestered you to sign up with her

2. When your old friend, who you know is an insurance agent, randomly asks if you wanna "hang out"...

3. But there is a silver lining to look forward to: FREE FOOD

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You know they'll probably pick up the tab as a thank-you for listening to their surprise sales pitch. When the bill arrives you'll pretend to take out your wallet, of course, but both of you know you've got your heart set on that free meal.

4. When you eventually consider taking up a plan, and your agent starts drawing charts and rattling off numbers...

You honestly have no idea what's going on; you just nod your head and pray to God you can trust them.

5. "How much are you comfortable to set aside every month for a protection plan?"

They don't have to know the many, many dollars you spend on hipster coffee every month.

6. When you zone out halfway through the talk, and they suddenly ask you a question

You have NO IDEA what you just agreed to.

7. There's something morbidly thrilling about hearing your agent tell you how much your insurance claim would be if you actually died

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You'll be much too dead to enjoy the piles of money, of course, but it's nice to know you're leaving a neat sum of money for the people who need it when you leave this earth.

8. When you finally agree to sign up for a plan but you're not entirely sure what you're getting yourself into

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9. When you need to answer uncomfortably invasive questions in the sign-up form, like your actual weight *gasp*

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10. "Please describe your medical history."

Image via MTV (edited)

11. If you're being really honest, the biggest criteria that determines whether or not you sign up for an insurance plan depends on whether you'll get free umbrellas and notebooks

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12. Then there's that awesome feeling when your insurance submission gets approved and you feel completely invincible!

Anything can happen and that's okay because you're covered! Although, it's probably a wise idea to not go out of your way to find a reason to be hospitalised...

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Protecting yourself is one of the best things you can do, and it's a huge reminder that you're actually pretty awesome at this whole adulting thing after all!

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What most people don't realise is that buying a life insurance plan really isn't as complicated as it used to be!

Finding a plan that's perfect for you may sound like a daunting task, but that's not the case when you choose to sign up with U For Life.

Pro Tip: Did you know you can buy directly online and skip most of the processes above?

It's really affordable too, starting from RM9.85 per month for life coverage of RM100,000, and you can get covered within just 10 minutes! U For Life keeps all the information simple and straightforward too, with vital information disclosed upfront so you know exactly what you're signing up for.

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Bonus: In conjunction with U For Life's "BIG 1 Year Anniversary", you could score some pretty cool gifts when you get yourself a life insurance policy from now until 31st October 2016. Find the perfect plan for you here.

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